Help me out please


First Timer here and need help. Here's the story.

I have 2 different rooms, both with plants that are flowering. 40 days into flowering on a 8 week flowering time. In one of my rooms i had my white widow, start growing these fucking nanners, just on those two i noticed in that room. All others seem to be fine that i can see. In my other room i had my train wreck do the same thing. Same story just those 2 pants and every other one is okay. I must add that the other plants are different strains then the ones listed. I Had a light malfuncation in the room with the train wreck, so that may have cause those. But i cant understand what happened to my white widow, the room there in has been perfect threw there hole life.

What I have done so far

Took all good plants and put them in a room. then took the ones with the nanners and put in the other room.
I went threw and plucked all those nanner things i could see off the 2 white widow and 2 train wreck.

Qustions I Have

Are all my other plants going to be ok, meaning did i catch the problem before those nanners could polinate my other plants. I notcied when i plucked them they were really wet still. Not sure if that makes a difference or not.

Should the 4 plants with the nanners be ok, because the plants looking amazing with fat nice nugs. My avatar picture is one of my train wreck. Or what should i do with plants.

Does this mean i need to cut my white widow mother and train wreck mother down.

Please help any thing will help. Like i said this is my first grow. Please help.

Not sure if this matters but i took the co2 out of both rooms and then 2 days later, being yesterday, i noticed the nanners. I will also be putting a dehumidifier in both rooms today to get my humidity down as i read is very good to do the last 2-3 weeks of flowering. The humidity in the 2 rooms stays about 50% right now. what should i try to get the humidity down to when putting in dehumidiifers today.​

Not sure if this matters but i took the co2 out of both rooms and then 2 days later, being yesterday, i noticed the nanners. I will also be putting a dehumidifier in both rooms today to get my humidity down as i read is very good to do the last 2-3 weeks of flowering. The humidity in the 2 rooms stays about 50% right now. what should i try to get the humidity down to when putting in dehumidiifers today.