Help me please!!!

Okay so i have a plant. it sits on a small stool kind thing under two cfl 100w lights. a couple days ago my cat knocked it off and my plant got fuck. it went limp so i put that drum stick there to help stable it. also when she knocked it over i discovered its pot was too small so i put it in a bigger one. filled it up with miracle grow. watered it a decent bit and put some bloom booster in it today. but it started getting this discoloration today. i have no idea how to fix it or what is wrong.

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Well-Known Member
Transplanting is a taxing event for plants. I would have waited a bit, seeing as the plant was already in shock.

Just leave it be for a week or so. Let it get back on its feet, if you will...
It is a weed, and is very capable of soldiering through some tough situations!


Well-Known Member
She is stretchy...not enough light or your lights were too far away.What spectrum are your cfls???.......why are you using bloom boosters
they are daylight. and at first they were too far away. and cause i was hopin it would make some good bud. was that a bad idea?


Well-Known Member
The plant doesnt look like it has not shown sex how do you know it is female and going to provide any buds......and bloom boosters are for when the plant has started flowering.........and that mg is a pretty shitty source of nutrients.....thats probably why your plant looks this your first grow???
technically yes it is. i was about a month in and it got super nute burn and started to die. i luckily cloned it. which is what i have now. and it is a female. it only has a few tiny ones. like this.STP62321.JPGSTP62320.JPG


Well-Known Member
technically yes it is. i was about a month in and it got super nute burn and started to die. i luckily cloned it. which is what i have now. and it is a female. it only has a few tiny ones. like this.View attachment 1023424View attachment 1023425
Ohh I see em...I assumed it was from bad...anyways....why are you giving her bloom boosters so she on 12/12????and mg will work but you have to use it correctly because it will burn your plant fast.....I stay away from it......My advice is to get some bottled water soluble nutrients or make a simple organic is a link...there are a couple tea receipes on there if you read through it......
oh thanks. i have no idea. i thought i could do it anytime. no its not on 12/12 yet. im a complete n00b that just wants to save money. :( is there a way i can save my plant? will that tea make it better?
do you happen to know if the color on the stems is normal or what? cause i have heard several things. like its a ph thing then i heard it was just indica.


Well-Known Member
Agree with cowboylogic, don't flush Miracle Grow

If I were you, I'd get some Happy frog or Fox Farm soil and get some more lights on the plant if you want to reap any benefits
okay and so what exactly would i do to switch the plants soil? and i have no idea how to set up several lights. i dont have much money so i cant like go all out.


Well-Known Member
Get a bigger pot---> fill with better soil---> get your plant out of the pot it's sitting it [WHEN THE SOIL IS DRY] and replant it in the bigger pot with the better soil---> water

DO THIS IN THE MORNING, it will give the rest of the day for the plant to recover before really taking root during the night hours

Also, are you near a Wallmart?
I don't shop there but I hear from a lot of people on this site that you can find incredibly inexpensive growing tools there and their CFL's are sold in bulk for much cheaper than most other places

I think you can afford a ghetto lighting set up, it includes as many CFL's as you can get to the plant. Be creative, use every lighting source you can and put all of the lights in the room you're growing in on the plants. Think about getting reflectors/Mylar reflective sheets, or the ghetto alternative, mylar present wrapping paper and use the non-decorated side to reflect light onto the plants that would otherwise escape out your grow room.

Growing with CFL requires the grower to do certain things to make the environment better so the plant can thrive such as LST to provide an even canopy so all future budsites can get an even amount of sunlight, or adjusting the plants/lights in relation to the plants growth. CFL should be close to the plant but not touching it. A couple inches away is best.
oh okay. where do i get that kind of soil? and also i have a ton of cfls i just dont have anywhere to put them. here is my set up. and some pics of my plant. i want to know what you think of it. and like if its close to flowering or anything.



Well-Known Member
I shop online man

dude, IMO, your plant is no where close to flowering, you have a long way to go
But it depends on what you want from your plant. If you want it to be a small girl with just 1 fat nug on it, you can start flowering but I don't recommend it
Tie the bitch down is what I say
hahaha lol. wow i had absolutely no idea. my understanding was once its nodes start alternating its ready. or maybe thats a significant difference in alternation? i have no idea. should i still be on the 24 hour cycle? and how would i tie her down?