help me plsss!


:cry::cry:i dont now what problem they have ..................

i am not professional...................

do you think will they revive again????????????????????

please watch video at link...........................................tha nks thanks thanks



New Member
OK the vid did not show me anything except it is dying. a pan down to the grow medium would be nice, so I would know what ur growing in. Plant looks severely malnourished. More info would have helped but plant looks pretty fucked. Might be salvageable.


thanks for your answer.i growed up the plant with 250 w hps.the plant is 2 mounths right now.i have sluged on very much. i dont wanna die her :(


Active Member
holyyyy shit thats so damn fried. It definitely needs some attention. What have you given it so far? start with some fresh water and also spray the leaves with some water. Most of that growth is going to die off but it should be able to produce new growth and continue growing


Active Member
What nutes have you been giving her up to now and how much per gallon? You sould def give her a good watering of fresh water


Well-Known Member
Ph6 water with 10% food right away till it pours out the bottom, 3 times the pot size. Check Ph of runoff water. should be just below 6 around 5.8 or 5.9. If not fix it.

Wait 2 days and cut don't pull any crunchy leaves off.

Make sure light is not burning plant. Put your hand palm facing down on top of tallest part of the plant if you fell any heat move your light up. Do this every other day and move it as needed.

Get a fan going and get an exhaust going.



i have used a special soil that has own nutes.
i have started giving nutes npk (5-5-5) a week ago.i am giving water with nutes once fourth days.i have gave water with nutes today latest.the water with nutes is 0.25 lt.


Ph6 water with 10% food right away till it pours out the bottom, 3 times the pot size. Check Ph of runoff water. should be just below 6 around 5.8 or 5.9. If not fix it.

Wait 2 days and cut don't pull any crunchy leaves off.

Make sure light is not burning plant. Put your hand palm facing down on top of tallest part of the plant if you fell any heat move your light up. Do this every other day and move it as needed.

Get a fan going and get an exhaust going.

thanks for your answer.
i will do your recommendation. i have alredy a fan. and i am sure the light doesn't burn the plant.


Active Member
i have used a special soil that has own nutes.
i have started giving nutes npk (5-5-5) a week ago.i am giving water with nutes once fourth days.i have gave water with nutes today latest.the water with nutes is 0.25 lt.
Are you putting more then 1 mil of nutes into you 0.25 liter of water?


Well-Known Member
did it happen rapidly??? It looks similar to some severe nute burn I got from accidently topping off my dwc with a nutrient solution rather than diluting the solution with pure water...flush the bitch...


Active Member
did it happen rapidly??? It looks similar to some severe nute burn I got from accidently topping off my dwc with a nutrient solution rather than diluting the solution with pure water...flush the bitch...
Thats what I was thinking , 0.25 of a liter of water for a 2 month old plant every four days rings alarm bells my ladies are taking up 0.75 of a liter every day
You should flush trough a volumn of pure water at least 3 times the size of your pot

Big P

Well-Known Member
i have used a special soil that has own nutes.
i have started giving nutes npk (5-5-5) a week ago.i am giving water with nutes once fourth days.i have gave water with nutes today latest.the water with nutes is 0.25 lt.
this is your problem using the soil with nutes in it already

there is too much nutes in that kind of soil and it is killing you plants. you need to put it in normal non fertalized soil and feed it water till she recovers. you should never use soil with with nutes already in it like miricale grow.

try to dump out whatever soil you can without effecting the roots replace that nuted soil with normal soil t5hen feed it water till she starts getting new growth


i have just digged up soil with my fingers for aerate, and at the same time some plant roots separated. the soil is too moistured.i don't give light now. that way for aerate is useful? or did i wrong something?