Help me repair my cob light please

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
Help, I have a cob panel with four cobIMG_20240913_163646638.jpgs wired in series with the driver shown in the pic, this light has been a work horse for me year after year anyhow one day it just went dark, I have power to the panel, I've tested that with my volt meter, my question is how do I test this driver? Do I set my volt meter on DC 238 volts and test across the positive and negative on the driver? If it's a cob that's burned out is there a way to test that with my meter? Maybe set on ohms resistance? Anything else I should check for? Thanks much


Well-Known Member
Yes, test voltage across positive and negative leads from the driver. If there is no DC power, check to be certain there is AC power to the driver.

A dead cob can be found with a jumper wire across one cob at time, when you get to the dead cob the jumper will complete the circuit and other three will light up.