Help me set up my area! :P


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

I finally grew some balls and ordered some seeds from attitude, but so far have not had much success! First shipment was caught in chicago, as was the resend. They are trying one more time, and if that fails ill be getting a refund hopefully. No matter what though, I will be getting some seeds from somewhere!:fire:

Now for my question! What type of setup should I use for my grow? Heres some details.

I have a closet (5ft x 6ft) available, but it has no venting built in. Ill have to cut holes in the floor to allow for an intake for an upright AC unit, and my exhaust fan if I go that route.

My other option is an area on my back porch thats somewhat closed in. If I used that area id have to build a custom box and grow inside that.

Which would be easier, and more successful? I dont mind using the closet, only thing slowing me down is that I would have to crawl under the house and punch those two holes. Id also have to run an extension cord, or put in a new outlet since that closet doesnt have power either.

Anyhow, im just looking for some advice. Ill be growing DWC with LED lights more than likely, and this is my first attempt. Do either of these options sound good, or am I :dunce:'ing it up? lol

Thanks guys n gals.


Well-Known Member
Where is the closet?

Seems like you shouldn't need an AC. A closet has a door, how discreet does it need to be if there is a loud fan in there anyway? I would just rig passive intake on one bottom corner of the door and exhaust out of top corner on the opposite side. With LED you need not worry about heat. I have more probs keeping it warm with mine than cool. But whatever the outer room is, the tent closet will stay pretty close to it. So if in a bedroom or something, no worries.

You want airflow and likely odor control from your system more than anything.


Well-Known Member
Thanks GrowinDad, I never thought of just venting directly into the bedroom the closet is in o_O

Honestly, we dont have a lot of people over and when we do this isnt really a room that anyone has a reason to enter - its sort of an art room for my wife to work in when shes drawing or painting. Guess im just paranoid when it comes to stuff like this! Would the exhaust smell funny if I were to do that? Wouldnt want the smell wafting in from the room to my living room :P

Guess it will just come down to a 'try it and see' situation once my beans come in. I havent grown in the past, so ill just keep traffic in my house to a minimum through my first harvest so I can see how things play out as I grow.

Thanks again for the reply, I appreciate any help that I can get!

On a side note, what kind of soil mix do you recommend for a beginner that doesnt know much about mixing their own up? Is there soil in a bag I can buy that would take me from seed/clone to harvest that you'd suggest? Figure ill try both methods (soil and hydro), just in case im not very good. Seeds are hard to get, so I dont want to ruin my chances of working with good genetics :P


Well-Known Member
You definitely will want to get a carbon filter on your exhaust for odor.

My tent is in my office, a room no one else goes in. There is some noise outside the room from the fan but not bad (you will need a good fan intended for this) but no issues with smell unless I am playing with plants with the tent open.


Well-Known Member
Thanks again you two, this advice helps a lot.

After looking it over, ill probably go ahead and use the closet in my bedroom instead of the art room. Nobody is allowed in my bedroom, so it would be a bit more secure and allow me to vent and intake like you suggested. The closets probably about 10-12 feet long, and only 4 or so feed wide but I think I can make it work. Wont be growing a ton of plants anyhow, just more of a hobby grow :)

I appreciate the advice yall gave, means a lot. Maybe ill have some nice pictures to show in a few months now thanks to the help I got here, assuming the attitude actually gets their seeds through to me!