help me to identify this plant


so if a hermi should i pull it so it don't screw up my other girls? just has a weird top and looks like all hairs. didnt see no ball sacks when started or now been in bloom for a month now.thanks for the reply's so far


Well-Known Member
I don't see any evidence of it being a herm....maybe some others could look and see what they say...but I see no herm at all


Well-Known Member
balls in that last pic maybe but could just be my eyes deceiving me. do a thorough check for ball sacks before you go and do anything drastic. a herm could show itself at any part of the flowering stage due to a multitude of reasons. just check with a fine tooth comb and if you do find a few i would just pluck them off and keep a close eye on them


i looked them over again and still dont see no balls it looks like it in pic but not up close on buds.if i remember right i think it was a seed from some bud i bought called maui pineapple anyone heard of this strain before? if its a sativa dominate would that just mean that it will take longer to finish? thanks again for all the input guys :-P


Well-Known Member
Given the same conditions, Sativas grow taller than Indicas. Sativa buds tend grow larger than Indica, as they run along the length of a branch instead of clustering around the internodes. However, they will usually weigh less than Indica when dry, due to their lower density. Sativa buds also tend to have a less prominent odor, both when growing and when dry.
Sativas take longer to flower. They will usually need between 9 and 12 weeks to finish blooming. However, they need far less vegetative time BEFORE flowering than Indicas. So the overall time required for Sativas is about the same as for Indicas (and sometimes less in terms of 'light hours')
Sativas will usually continue to gain height while flowering, often gaining 200%, 300% or more of their vegetative height while flowering. This is because around the equator there is not so much difference in the number of daylight hours between winter and summer. Therefore, Sativas in their native environment will grow and flower at the same time. For this reason indoor growers should not allow a Sativa too much vegetative growth before inducing flowering. When growing from clones, many Sativa varieties may be flowered as soon as the clone has rooted.
Despite their lower weight and potentially longer flowering time, Sativas are valued by many growers for their 'high' effect. This high may be characterized as cerebral, energetic, creative, giggly or even psychedelic. It is less overpowering than the Indica 'stone', and less likely to send the user to sleep.
taken from


Well-Known Member
if you aren't seeing any balls you should be fine like i said could have just been my eyes playin' tricks goodluck and happy growing


get that outa ur room dude ..if its a hermapherdite ur going to pollinate ur room and , well ur screwed if that happens!!