help me wire my lights please :)


Active Member
well ok so im sick of waiting to get me a skilled electrician so i will take this on my own.
Now my prob is im a real newb in wiring these kinda things :) and now i need yall help really bad :)
Photo2 (3).jpgPhoto1 (6).jpg on the first two pics i need your opinion if i wired this correctly i watched a video stating that the B(L)UE wire goes to the left and the B(R)OWN wire goes to the rights easy as that.

Photo4 (1).jpg This pic i have a question do i need any other wires like in this pic do i need a black and white wire this is from an adapter. i saw in a video connected with black and white wires. Or can i use the plug wires brown and blue.
Photo5.jpgThis is how it should look but now how do i wire these :S can somebody give me a hand .



Well-Known Member
what kind of light is that? you should have ordered 1 from a hydro store I've seen a 400w hps or hps for $120 and it plugs right into the wall. I've had it for over 2 years for my veg room. but as for wireing that light I have no idea.


Well-Known Member
its not that hard but i dont think you can use that adapter peice. you would be better off getting an extension cord and using that instead of the adapter. you can do it 2 ways. in series or parallel. you can either feed 1 light and use jumpers to catch the others or you can have pigtails on each light and connect to the feed. those lights will only work one way so you can just try the brown on left first and if that doesnt work then switch it around. but like i said get an extension cord and cut it with the plug and use that instead of the adapter


Active Member
ima use the plug with double veins do you have any plan on the internet or something becuse my friend told me who is an electrician that it will over burn or something if i connect 4 socket to a plug
should i jsut use the plug wires that you can see on the 3rd picture the brown and the blue wire