help my clones look unhappy!!!!


Active Member
some parts of leaves are turning a dark color, and yellowing of lower leaves. using a bubbleponic system with RO water with Rootmaster B-1, temp. 72-78 F, under 2 t8 flouros (24/0). they have been in the cloner for 10 days and have small roots emerging. wat could be wrong with them?



Well-Known Member
Did you give them nutes? Nutes will burn them and they will look just like that or check ph, and humidity is very important when cloneing good luck


Active Member
i don't have them under a dome or anything and haven't misted them at all. the only thing i added to the water was a little rootmaster b-1


Active Member
The new growth looks like it was a little burnt from being too close to lights??? maybe its just a bad pic and I am seeing it wrong. As far as the other lower leaves, my cuttings do the same thing when they are too bushy. I trim all the larger fan leaves so the cutting can concentrate on rooting rather than growing. I usually try and take cuttings with only a couple sets of leaves, otherwise my lower leaves die off just like yours. I would clip the lower leaves if they are dead and keep doing whatever youre doing. I have had this happen to me many times if I dont trim the big fan leaves in half and remove excess growth. All I do is trim the dead leaves off, and trim the other fan leaves in half. I usually dont touch the new growth, just leave it as is. As for your new growth, if it is actually black and dead, I might remove that before it starts to rot. Otherwise you are inviting a whole bunch of other problems