help my dog ate a cookie


Well-Known Member
so i gave my friend a special cookie, he put it on the table.when my wife or friend came in the dog came in too. then my friend said he noticed shadow licking her lips, then looked on the table and it was gone. my other friend who i gave 1 to the day before said to warn people cuz it was too strong. she ate it at 4:30 and at 7:00 i checked on her and she was all fucked up swaying left and right and evry time i moved my hand around lik i was going to pet her she flinched hard like she thought she was going to be hit she just kept flinching so i thoughght she would sleep it off but this morning shes still fucked up just laying around. i get her up every now and then to check on her, she doesnt want to but does with help and is still stumbily. will this wear off or is my dog stoned for life or worse gonna get sick and die ?what can i do


Well-Known Member
sorry i didnt mean to double post but she seems really lethargic today but not like shes hallucinating like yesterday


Well-Known Member
Its her weight. She will be fine. Let her sleep and make sure she has plenty of water. I have never heard of marijuana killing anyone. Rest and water. Just let her rest.


Well-Known Member
poor pooch! I am surprized she didnt vomit, it would have been better if she did. Just give her some time sh will be just fine


Well-Known Member
Ahh poor dog, we had a high ass dog come in when I worked for a vets office. You can induce vomiting (give them some hydrogen peroxide), it will not kill them though it just takes a few days to wear off.


Well-Known Member
that's really crazy and unfortunate, I def. feel bad for your dog. but if that happened while I was high I would have laughed soooo hard..


Well-Known Member
so i gave my friend a special cookie, he put it on the table.when my wife or friend came in the dog came in too. then my friend said he noticed shadow licking her lips, then looked on the table and it was gone. my other friend who i gave 1 to the day before said to warn people cuz it was too strong. she ate it at 4:30 and at 7:00 i checked on her and she was all fucked up swaying left and right and evry time i moved my hand around lik i was going to pet her she flinched hard like she thought she was going to be hit she just kept flinching so i thoughght she would sleep it off but this morning shes still fucked up just laying around. i get her up every now and then to check on her, she doesnt want to but does with help and is still stumbily. will this wear off or is my dog stoned for life or worse gonna get sick and die ?what can i do
heres her pic today



New Member
Poor baby .... Like everyone else said she will be ok... It hasn't been that long..It makes sense that it hasn't worn off yet since she is only 45 lbs. . .