Help My First Plant Please. Leaves upside down, yellow bottom leaves.


Summed up: Leaves curling upside down, lower leaves starting to yellow. CIMG1711.jpgCIMG1712.jpgCIMG1710.jpg

I received this plant out of nowhere and i am now trying to take care of it.
I was told that it was a male plant so when i started caring for it i figured i would put it in a pot and let mother nature take care of it, i used generic potting soil.

Its been about a week and a half and it was doing good. I tend it every day with a bit of water because the hot summer sun dries up the soil, i noticed that a single leaf flipped upside down about 4 days after i potted it, i chalked it up to the stress from cracking it out of its rock wool life cube(stupid i know now) and potting it. Today i noticed the bottom leaves are starting to turn yellow, i have gathered that this is a nitrogen problem? see pics

I attached plenty of pics in case you see something i don't. Any help is very much appreciated.
If you have any pruning or development suggestions those are also welcome. The plant has always looked perky until this afternoon.
I cant identifying its age, i found out today that it's Northern Lights



Well-Known Member
It looks like it'll be fine just start feeding it some high nitrogen nutes.... And u probably damaged the roots by taking it out of the rockwoool


Active Member
I''m not sure it's missing N. I found when I had major pH problems that leaves would twist and curl.

You may have pH shocked it when you took it out of the rockwool and put it into whatever it's in now.

I would just try to stabilize it until it recovers.


I see how it looks like two plants, i assure you its from 1 stem though. Im guessing whoever had it before had topped it at a young age or just very low.

I added Nitrogen and am now waiting to see if there are any changes. Should i keep adding Nitrogen until it gets better or is it usually just a 1 time thing?
Also if symptoms don't seem to stabilize i am suspicious that its a PH problem and i might re-pot it.


Well-Known Member
What do you want a male plant for???? You're wasting your time and energy imo. If you know its a male pull it before it pollenates any nearby females. Are you 100% positive its male? How did you find out its northern lights?


Active Member
you better not live around me...growing a dirt pollen spitter...why do you want a male? you do know you wont get any smoke of it right?


Meh, In my experience nitrogen def usually covers entire leaves not small sections.. Also it's generally a lot brighter yellow. (could still be nitrogen, wtf do I know?)
At any rate I would flip that finger back over and let the surrounding leaves hold it in place..