help. My plant leaves goes yellow.

Hi there...

This is my first grow. In advance thank you for any help. Here is 3rd week, since i planted the seed. They under 8x23 cfl, pc fans only so far intake and outtake on the top. the regime is 19/5. temperature is 24/25 C durring the light period and aprox 21C dark time. Just for the last week few plants start to look not very healthy, the end of the leaves kind do goes yellow, looks like they would be burned or something like that. So far I never gave any food apart the water that water ph is 6.8 or so. Also, here is few pics of my wee garden, do u guys thing that I should start to feed with nutritions. Sorry for silly questions, but really don't know what to do next.

Thank you allDSC00823.jpgDSC00825.jpgDSC00818.jpg


Well-Known Member
What soil Are you using? I'd say by the size of those plants there's a small chance they took up all of the nutrients in the pots if it wasn't a great soil. I say test the ph of the run off water and if that's ok, add just a little bit of nutes
thanks 4 ur correspondance. the soil I am using is bonzai soil. would u recomendt that I would replant in the bigger pots and proper soil for cannabis and then start to give nuts?


Well-Known Member
i would water by weight. water only when pot feels light. check every day; get the feel of it. the shit soil can be rectified at re-potting. use perlite at 25-35%, imo.
thanks 4 reply, scroglodyte. look, what do u think if 2marrow I will get proper soil for cannabis in here local head shop, I seen, they have some, as to get pure perlite here it's kind complicated. so, here again, 2marrow I am getting soil, repoting them gently. When then should I feed them with nutes after repoting? and do u think, that in one go I should go for bigger pots?

hi guys

last day got new soil "canna coco profesional plus" got also fertilizer "canna coco". All babies been repoted this morning. Here, how do u think guys, should I drain off the pots now, or should I put soliution straight away?


Active Member
I would say that's nute burn, not lack of nutes. In many soils they already have some in there and that alone is too much for the plant. Wait til they get a little older before nuting.