help my seeds wont grow


Active Member
:wall: Hi i have just purchased 50 seeds and they all germanated fine .I then put them in some cana seed mix and watered with ph at 6.1 they all sprouted and grew there first two leafs.They have been in for a good two weeks with no more growth the leafs are a light green and iam worried they will turn yellow and die .I have started to add a half dose of fish mix .Can any one help please
dont fertilize for sure! i would guess you are over watering. that is the thing that all new growers do. you can kill a plant with love. get you a water meter and see how wet your soil is. if it is too wet let it dry out and i bet they come back to life. and they wont all die at once. you will start with your weaklings. if you get 3-4 plants start to die then you need to take action. but until then just let them be.


Well-Known Member
It's either too cold,(below 70*) not enough water,(or too much) or not enough light.

No fert, that's a no-no.LOL


Well-Known Member
It's either too cold,(below 70*) not enough water,(or too much) or not enough light.

No fert, that's a no-no.LOL

Lets stick with the one thing it looks like your definitely doing wrong is all the fertz your giving. Also in the future you should be thinking to back off whatever your doing not do more, you will surely burn something up or make it worse by thinking they need more this or more that. In most cases they need to be left alone and stop with the tricks and suggestions. They are much too young to feed unless extremely diluted, the seedlings have enough food to get a good start. Stop feeding and maybe allow plenty of runnoff to flush them a bit on your next watering. give a week for them to snap out of it and what type of lights were you using? some pics may help as well


Active Member
hi thanks for the reply i started using 4 150 watt flouresent tubes probably not enough light for 50 babys.? SO i changed to my 1000watt mh i read some people use them not to sure if its too much really quite confused .I was thinking it might need nitrogen? so added a little fish mix should i stop ?Should i let them dry out completly before watering ?i also switched to a 18 hours on 6 off ? hope you can help thanks


Well-Known Member
Forgot to mention that you can probably use the 1000 for 12/12 soon and go back to the 150w for seedlings and get yourself two spots setup for perpetual. You may not need to grow as many at one time and stagger them with smaller sets of plants going in every 3-4 weeks instead of waiting for the veg cycle. Strain may take 8-10 weeks to fully flower but if your putting them in every 4 weeks then eventually you are harvesting every 4 weeks, I like the 18/6 as well as it saves a bit of electricity. I am vegging normally 3-4 weeks then into the oven at 12/12


Active Member
if those babies are under 4 weeks young dont burn them with ferts as for they will thank you later on in thier "maturation". and yeah you can over water shit hella easily stick your finger or a pen in the dirt to see whats going on below the soil before you decide what to do next ...


Well-Known Member
Should i let them dry out completly before watering ?
If by "completely", you really mean 'completely', then no. Those little ones aren't very tough yet, and can't handle complete dryness for long. Dry roots aren't taking in any nutes, so if you suspect that you've been letting them dry excessively, try watering them a little more. Just make sure you let the top layer(1/2" or so) dry out between waterings, and you won't have to worry about overwatering in the small pots.

Watering, is one of the hardest things to explain to someone, because of the variables involved. Most have to learn from a little trial and error, tweaking for their own setup.


Active Member
Thanks Guys for all advice just wondered if the 1000w mh is not to much for 50 babys it is about 75-80 in ther with frsh air circulating.also i have 5 600w hps each in 1m2 grow tents .Really confused about how many should go under each when i flower.6 would be much easier to maintain less soil ect but i really want to reach a good yield .I have tried with different numbers and always seemed to end up with the same yield ?with less plants should you veg them bigger than a foot to reach optinum .THANKS .


Well-Known Member
The 1000 watt MH isn't too much light unless you have it too close. Try to set it at 30-36" and wait for them to get a little bigger before you bring it down. As far as number of plants, I've been experimenting, and came to the conclusion that many smaller ones(SOG) is going to be a better option that fewer bigger ones. Unless you plant to run a bunch of side-lighting, you lose alot of area with bigger plants, due to the lights not being able to penetrate effectively. You might want to look into training techniques like FIM, because I've seen them used with excellent results.


Well-Known Member
The hell? you never mentioned you have 5 600w lights as well. With that many plants the last thing you want to do is FIM. If you want more then put more plants into the mix instead of vegging longer. Sounds like you have a shit load of room with all those tents and another spot for veg. Just slip another mother into the mix if you want more yield, or veg longer and start with ones vegging now. Either way will work out, if your going with less plants then yes maybe FIM a few and see how much added space they need each, more sounds easier, I would get smaller groups going through tents maybe in different stages until it reaches the final room. I would have 3-4 600w hps in flower room but your doing multiple tents so not sure but I would just get smaller groups and move them along at stages, one for seedlings and one for veg and then flower. Good luck