Help needed ASAP!!!


Today I was raising my lights and the one end popped off and fell of my plant!!! It snap the main stem and bend it over... I taped a chop stick to it hoping that it would reheal itself... Now all of the leaves and the new buds are bend over looking like hey are about to die!!! Does anyone have any opinions on this??? Also I am two weeks into the bloom cycle!!! Below is a posted pic!!!



Well-Known Member
Put a splint on the break and hope for the best. You would be surprised how tough she can be. Doesn't look good though. Best of luck Jay


Well-Known Member
If you taped it up quick enough before air got into it it will still grow. I put duct tape on one I broke once and it grew fine. If air has already got into the main stalk, she'll die unfortunately. If you break it up high and put a toothpick inside of the top where it broke, you can also save the bottom half of it most of the time.


Well-Known Member
Plants can be pretty resilient in this situation, and normally I would give you an 80/20 chance of making it, but the leaves tell a different story. Doesn't look good to me, but only time will tell. Good luck!


The first pick shows where it snapped or bent whatever you want to call it... In my eyes its a tragedy :( Also it's not the main stem because I topped the plant so there are four branches off the main stem. The rest of the plant looks okay.. View attachment 1689567Picture 352.jpg


Well-Known Member
You can also clone the secondary branches before air gets to them. And if you have the EZ Cloner, even better. :) The best $350 ever spent in my life.