Help needed maybe wit a seedling


This seedling is in a 2 ft by 4 ft tent under a t5 4 bulb light in soil . The bottom leaves are curling down and turning yellow , is anything wrong with it ? It's about 10 days old . The soil is ph'd to about 6.4 . There is 7 seedlings under this light too the temp never goes under 72 in dark or over 80 in light



the second pic is the one im curious if anything is wrong. and does the first picture look like its healthy ? thanks you guys ... this first grow is so scary worrying about everything lol


I'm a newbie too, but the picture you're asking the seasoned readers to look at is very blury. I would try to get a more focused picture if you want accurate feed back. :) Good luck!


Well-Known Member
The soil in the second picture looks like rocks and dirt from outside and much drier.

What's your soil and water schedule like?


Yeah, looks like underwatering and not the best media (potting mix). The sick looking one is that in a coco pot? Those tend to need to be watered more frequently. Media really doesn't look great though.

Moisture is important for seedlings; there some always be some, don't let the media dry out completely (but also don't let pots sit in stagnant water). Seedlings want to feel like they are getting a really good amount of light, otherwise they stretch and may continue to do so... bring the bulb closer if possible, esp. if it is a fluorescent\CFL.


The soil is a mix that some guts from a plant shop make theirselves , they say its really good soil for growing cannibis . It's a mixture of 3 or 4 mediums can't remember what they said I think coco perlite and something else but I water them a lot I thought ever couple days for sure ... Could they need watered everyday ? But I just put some the seedlings in 5 gallon pots and put them under an 8 bulb T5 light .. I water all of them pretty good and they seem to spark right back up ... I think my problem might have been caused from the roots filling up the pots they was in , we'll see how they do now ill post some pictures tomorrow and let u all see how they look


Yes, it is possible for seedlings\plants to require water every day. They need to be watered when ever the media has adequately dried out, however, it should not be allowed to dry out completely. The sick looking one in the second picture (which appears to be in a coco coir pot) looks like it is getting too dry. How deep was the container?

You generally cannot put a strict interval of frequency or volume as to watering; when you water, water thoroughly and then do so again whenever the containers have lightened up considerably, but are still semi-moist. Seedlings especially you do not want to allow to dry out completely. Several factors determine how frequently you're going to need to water, including the use of a fabric or natural fiber (coir, peat) pot. It is normal to have to water more frequently as roots grow into the medium.