Help needed with wiring an inline ducting heater please

Hi all, I need a bit of help in the electrical department.
I live in the UK and have bought an inline ducting heater just to help keep the temps up as the weather gets colder at night.
The problem is that it arrived unwired to a block connector!

I've put up a pic showing the heater and a diagram of how I think it should be wired.
Can someone please take a look to see if I have it right or put me in the right direction if its not?

I understand that I have to use high temperature wire and connectors between the heater coil and the thermostats.
Am i correct in saying that I should have a 3amp fuse in the plug?

Hope someone can help me.
Thanks in advance.

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Well-Known Member
you need someone with a PHD in Electrical Engineering to be able to answer that with the given diagram :confused::wall: