Help New at this!!


Please can some one help me has im need to this.
Come home to find my plants like this

Temp was 22.9
Humity was 35%

there have been under clf 125watt about 2inchs away from tops for 4days last night i changed to 600w hps duel spec to try speed things up i did the back of hand test to make sure there wasnt too close.
been hand watering when the rockwell was dry ive been told to start using neutraints at 1/4 of recommended does i have done this and the ec was 0.9 and ph 6

My set up

i have a 5inch intake fan bringing fresh air in 24/7 and a 6inch extract fan with a carbon filter and a 6inch oscalting fan too.
im doing this with in a grow tent myrla lined
doing it hydroponicly using flood and drain with clay pebbles and rockwool
canna aqua neutraints.20120402_163855.jpg


Well-Known Member
way too much light, temps too low, humidity way too low, too high EC (you should use distilled \ rain water if possible at this stage).You want the 125W CFL for another week at least, at ~10" above the tops.You want the temps around 27 °C - reduce venting.You want the humidity around 75% (higher is preferable than lower) - reduce venting and if needed use a humidity dome.You want the EC around 0.5 mS. - use lower EC water to begin with.


yer think i got the wrong info so if i go back to 125w cfl for one more week? having it on 18hours? and 10inch away from tops of plants to light? and feed with just tap water? also how often should i have my extract on and intake on for? also my blue lab truntion doesnt come up with a reading when i use tap water. i woundered why there wasnt doing very much seem a slow growth rate and the seeds are jack herer. thank you for your help really want to get these up and good again as its my first time it all seems to be going totally wrong!!!!


Well-Known Member
yes/ yes/ yes/ no- use low nutrient feed with lower EC water / take the meter back to the shop / you welcome / RIU sucks for fucking up the "enter".


well ive turned intake fan and extract fan off for now! need more info of how to have them on ect!! changed to CFL now and moved lights to 10inch above the plants and put the humidity dome on got the temp up to 23 and humidity up to 83% and just watered them with water! and now the plant has improved its not drooping now. thank you. just checked my ec meter and now it reads from 0.2 EC so if i mix sum neutriants up to a EC of 0.5? and what ph should i have it at? sorry what does RIU mean as im new to this?


Well-Known Member
Get your temp much higher and it would lower the RH (relative humidity) quite a bit. /You can put your vents on a thermostat to cool the grow only if the temps go above 27°C./ If you tap is 0.2mS EC you should add nutrients to top that off to 0.5mS. (mS stands for mili-siemense which is the common units to count electric conductivity, EC, in fluids)/ RIU stands for RollItUp, and lately it doesn't create new lines when you type "enter".


cheers for advice cant get temp any higher got humitiy down to 77% going to get a fan heater to put in the tent also today i noticed white spots on one of my plants leaves any idea what this is ?


Well-Known Member
if you spray your plants it might be from chlorine or other contaminants in the water. if you don't, post a picture.


i dont spray them ive got sum pics managed to get a heater and get temp up to 27 and humiditiy up to 75% also these are two week old since i started germinating i think there rather small, please help on this.



Active Member
cheers for advice cant get temp any higher got humitiy down to 77% going to get a fan heater to put in the tent also today i noticed white spots on one of my plants leaves any idea what this is ?
Dont use a fan heater use a tubular heater there safer in your room/tent. when i used a fan heater it dryed my plants out now i dont have that problem useing a 120w tubular heater check ebay for em..........


cheers for all your information....

i have got temp at 27.2 got the fan heater away from the plants so its not facing them also linked it to a thermostat so i can keep the room at around 27 and humity is 70% i have the plants in a humitidy dome running a 125watt cfl veg light just woundering when these plants need to be transported into bigger cubes?? my 600 watt hps ?? and get feed by my hydroponic system?? all advice would be greatful as im new to this

there are recent photos i took this morning



Well-Known Member
They are good to go to a hydro system if you have one. no need for bigger cubes. get the 600W in there in a week and place it 1.5 meter above the plants, lowering it 20cm each week until you get to around 25-30 cm from the plant tops.


yes im using flood and drain system with clay pebbles how many times should i flood them and at what intervals? also do i keep the nutreiants at ec of 5 ?


Well-Known Member
way too much light, temps too low, humidity way too low, too high EC (you should use distilled \ rain water if possible at this stage).You want the 125W CFL for another week at least, at ~10" above the tops.You want the temps around 27 °C - reduce venting.You want the humidity around 75% (higher is preferable than lower) - reduce venting and if needed use a humidity dome.You want the EC around 0.5 mS. - use lower EC water to begin with.
Absolutely agree with everything above. Make sure you keep those 600W at least 1 metre above and NEVER closer than 40-60 cm from top of canopy. I can imagine you had them quite close.


what ec should my soulltion be ? and how often should i flood and drain? also how often does the reserviour need the soultion changing? i will keep the 125w untill weekend then change over to 600w