HELP, New plant problem and wide spread in my grow. New Grower.


Active Member
I am a new grower and I have struggled with plant issues. Here is my current issue which I think might be a cal or mag problem.

soil: SS#4
Water Ph in 7 - 7.4 - Water OUT ph = 6.1 - 6.3 (We have raised the Ph to prevent the Ph runout from diving down to 5.4 on us)

Temp has been around 80, humidity about 70% and AC going in today.

Here are the pics....I hope you can help. Sure is troubling to see your plants have problems. Thank you for your help. I have searched the diagnose sticky and I think I know what is wrong, but my I lack experience. Thank you for your input. HELP!


Active Member
I dont grow in soil so i cant say if your PH is a little to high, Does look like a mag problem, Wait til a soil grower replies, If your PH is ok as it is then i suggest getting some Epsom salts into your soil.

If it turns out to be a PH issue then whats happening is your High PH is locking certain elements out, But like i said wait to see what a soil grower says.

I just done some research and the book i have says the Ph of soil should be between 6.5-7.0, So i would say its defo a lockout, Flush your pots thru with PH'd water mate.


Active Member
Add a 5 tablespoons of a fresh urine to a 1/4 cup of water and water your plants with it.
5 tblsp every 1/4 cup of water.

That will help with Nitrogen, Potassium, and Phosphorus.


Well-Known Member
Have you used any nutes yet? It does look like a mag deficiency, but could also be calcium, at the same time. Something like CalMag would be best, but you can use epsoms if that's all you have available. I don't like using it, because it has lots of fillers(salts) that will build up in your soil. Also, as for the PH, I wouldn't give them anything over 7.0, no matter how low the runoff is. Because, it won't really bring the PH up, and will also make it harder for the plant to uptake whatever you pour in. IMO, the best thing to do(if you don't want to flush) is to mix up your fert, PH it to about 6.6, then add a tablespoon of powdered lime to each gallon, before you pour it in. The PH will read really high, so don't even bother checking it after you add the lime, or it'll freak you out.LOL Just make sure you water them heavily with the lime-mix,(a little runoff would be perfect) and that'll help bring up the soil PH, and help keep it up. The lime also contains calcium and magnesuim, so that's a bonus.


Active Member
Yes prior to this problem. We did add cal-mag to one plant (tonight) to see if any effect. We also noticed the fan leaves have purple stems so we raised the lights. and misted the plants with Nitrozime. How much water should we give to a plant in a 3 gal. pot. I'm not sure if my partner used 1 gal or 1/2 gal. Where do I find the powered lime? any recommended brand?? We also added AC to the room today...temp at 75 +/- humidity = 60%. I'm just afraid of drowning the roots with another flush.

Appreciate all the help from everyone. I just want to help my plants get healthy.