help no amber trics yet (photos)


snow white 8 week strain now been in flower for 8 1/2 weeks no sign of amber trics yet
mostly clear some milky started flush hoping within two weeks any help plz or addvice on how long left :o


Well-Known Member
you prolly could get away with still feedin them...i would just start easin off the nutes this comin week and then str8 water from there out

The Serpent

Active Member
Dam, some nice plants there mate! A grower I know says sometimes he finds the seeds company / breeder says if it takes 10 weeks to flower sometimes you'll find it's 12 (2 - 3 weeks longer from time to time) and not to worry about it. So I suppose that would be akin to the advice above!

I was also told to start flushing when your two weeks off the crop finishing or a week off then continue to flower for an extra week flushing. This is kind of "second hand" advice, and am a newbie in first grow but thought i'd post anyway! Nice plants again mate! :)


Well-Known Member
feed for a week then flush, seed companies lie like hell about flowering times, don't listen to them, listen to the plants, they will tell you when they are done.

what you want is the buds to stop growing and go hard, the hairs will shrivel up and the plant will drink less water, then she is done, don't worry about amber trichomes too much


thanks for the replys as im a frist timer think i will feed once more then just water and boost then water alone hoping will be ready soon the larger buds have alot of white hairs still small ones as in pis have 40% white hairs but all have clear to milky trics