help, noob at first grow, leaves curling

trains strain

Well-Known Member
hey everyone, just to start off i wanna say thanks to everyone for putting their advice and techniques on here. this is my first post but ive been reading on and off this site for months.
i have 2 plants growing under 2 42W CFL along with a warm white at 23W. its a small space(closet box) and im on a tight budget
germination and seedling stage was great and so far the plant has grown tremendously considering its only 2 weeks old. but now the bottom leaves are starting to curl. she (hopefully a she) looks healthy, the other one kind of small but still growing. i just transplanted them into a bigger pot yesterday and so far theyre adapting well. i did a soil ph test aswell and its around 6.8. temp is generally around 80-90 with a fan on constantly.
any tips or tricks i can use to prevent these leaves from curling? should i snip them off?



Well-Known Member
Looks fine to me. You might want to get your PH lower..I'd shoot for 6.2-6.5.

How much are you watering? Doesn't seem like that is a problem.

That one shot does look like the leaf may be getting to hot. Keep your temps at 78-82, no higher then 85.

How do the leaves feel to the touch? Are they really moist? Are they crunchy? Are they coarse like sandpaper?

trains strain

Well-Known Member
the lower leaves kind of hard not as soft as the top leaves. and as for the watering, generally every two days.
now to get the ph down what should i use?


Well-Known Member
They probably don't need to be watered that much. Try sticking to once every 5 days or so.

You can pick up some PH down from a pet store. Or anywhere else they might carry aquarium supplies.

Hard as in crunchy? If so, they might be getting to hot. The tips will start to curl and look burned when it gets really hot.


Well-Known Member
That's the same stuff I bought, but I got a smaller bottle and didn't buy any PH up.

You shouldn't need any PH up if you are careful with what you are doing. Also, remember when you add nutes to your water, the PH will drop as well.

trains strain

Well-Known Member
so again with the leaves, they should be more moist then i guess eh? alright im gonna try with using the fan at medium as opposed to low.


Well-Known Member
No, they just shouldn't feel really crispy. Keep a fan in there blowing all the time, hell get two fans.

You got a temp/humidity gauge?

trains strain

Well-Known Member
yeah i got a thermometer, like i said its usually around 80 -90 more so higher 80s, i did crank the fan and since my last post the temp has decreased a hell of a lot so i just kinda solved my problem.


Well-Known Member
I use white vinegar to lower my ph. Baking soda to raise it. This works for my Indica strain. Some people claim this method has killed their plants. I do not see it as the problem, however.