Help nutrient deficiency !!!!!


New Member
using flora series by general hydroponics

i have deficiency, i believe phosphorus or magnesium?? new to indoor growing the nutrients.

any help would be awesome.. the stems are going purple and believe it could be a deficiency.

heres some picsimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
the leaves have that mag def look. the purple stems could just be a pheno. i have read that cold temps. can also cause purpling. how are your lights off temps.?


Well-Known Member
number one cause of purple stems and ugly looking plant. high ph. over 7 in soil . high ph will lock the lnt up it will not absorb fertilizer. make sure its between 6 tp 7 soil 6.5 is best.


New Member
shags a lot. usually 70F yea im going to try some Epsom salts

kinddiesel my ph is 6.5 in the soil and the nute. if your referring to my plant "ugly" it make look gimp because its being low stress trained for more kola tops


Well-Known Member
the yellowing is on the new grow, which suggest lock out, check your ph
its not magnesium
and like they said the purpleing of stems is nothing to worry about


Active Member
purple, redishbrown stems are fine, thats not mg stuff at all, nor does it look like pH...not sure if this was stated before, but dont just add salts (or lime on the vice versa)...check pH of the run off water, and do it like 3 times to gain an average before trying to adjust stuff, just my opinion tho. PEACE and Goodluck!


Well-Known Member
Looks like a problem I'm having with 3 of my babies. I fed one of them calmag and she seems to be recovering. Here is before and after pics. The red/purple veins have started growing green on the new leaves after about a 10 days and 2 feeding of calmag.


marijuana stems turning purple may be an indication of a deficiency in phosphorus. you can correct this problem by feeding your plants with a phosphorus rich fertilizer. if growing in a hydro set-up, simply add the phosphorus laden fertilizer the next time you fill the resevoir.


New Member
I figured out that my ph meter was faulty. Is was a ph issue. I think causing some lockout.

thanks to all who posted


New Member
It's now showing more than one def. some I'm flushing with correct ph water and starting fresh.

surley potassium is def.