Help nutrient schedule i have messed up!!!


Hi everyone havent been on in a while have been tending to my plants quite stressful, the problem i have got as i got some misleading information from a friend is that not to give nutrients during flowering except pk13/14 and boost and overdrive.


First 3 weeks on 18/6
10L pots with canna coco
canna a & b for veg
12" flipped to 12/12

they have been on 12/12 for 25 Days i used canna a & b for 1st week of flower and then stopped using it completely and have been using canna boost for the past 18 days with no other nutrient as this is what i have been told.

i have since been told by a further 3 people to use a & b during flowering cycle.

so today i have used a & b with boost

bearing in mind i am about to start week 4 of flower stage on a 8 week strain my buds have all white hairs all over and are about the size of my thumb with quite a lot of budsites over them, what damage do you think i have caused by not feeding it a & b for over 2 weeks except the obvious of yellow leaves towards the bottom quarter of the plant and a few black spots on the bottom leaves.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

can anyone give me the feeding schedule for my plants for the final 4 weeks. using a & b,boost,pk & overdrive.
they are 30" in height and quite bushy.

thanks in advance.