Help on first indoor grow.


I think I found a place for an indoor grow but I don't know being my first row and all. It is a crawl space 4 feet high and 5 and a half feet long and around 3 feet wide. I want to know what would a realistic yeild for a place like this is and how many and what kind of lights I should use, also what is a good medium to grow in. I'm new to this whole growing thing so nothing too complicated please.

P.S This isn't cucial to me but I want to know anyway what would a decent rig cost including eletricity?

P.S.S I heard that dry ice in the growroom would help lower heat and increase CO2, the increase of CO2 I'm certin of about but I'm not too sure if the dry ice would have too much of an effect on temp would it?
Your yield will be completely up to how you grow your plants depending on a huge number of variables.

Dry ice, as it sublimates, will produce CO2, but you don't want too much. The effect on temperature depends on your setup. What kind of airflow and exchange will you have? I wouldn't recommend setting it too close to your plants though. Bad ju-ju.