HELP! Out of ideas... Too hot in my room...


Active Member
Hello. My seedings are ready to go, but my growroom is not ready fot that.

Size of my closet is 2 x 3 x 9. Im using 400w HPS. Im thinking about 400w MH for veg, but i think it even hotter than HPS?!?!

Temeprature is 88 2 feet from my lamp. As im not using CO2 it is too much. Even if temperature was ok, my fans are tooo loud. I need to get temp down so, that i can decrease th speed of my fan, atleast for 15% or so...
Thing is that upper part of my closets ir 72 - 76 degrees while lower part is way too hot.

Im using 178 cfm to move out air from closet through my lamp outside. Bathroom fan for intake, i tried to use 2 of them, but still nothing...

Take a look at the pics and say what you think!
Thanks guys!



Well-Known Member
this may sound stupid but put a 2 liter of water in with room and see if that doesn't knock the temp down...make sure it's cold water...i tried it in my room
my theory was that the heat would warm the water...since water has hydrogen bonds that help hold energy without raising temperature then...j/k idk the real reason it worked for me but...give it try..


Active Member
Ok, I will try it. But is it a long term solution? How long does it take for water to warm up? hmmmm


Well-Known Member
i keep a full 1.5L water bottle in my cabinet at all times...the water doesn't get much warmer..just perfect for watering though...tepid i believe is the right word. But to answer ur question it is not a permenant solution..but think about this. When ur plants get bigger they will take up more the less space is available the more air will be evacuated through ur out vent fans....again another theory of mine...i was struggling with temperatures in the 90's and occasionally it would get to since my water bottle method my average temperature has been around 86....which still isn't ideal...but it's not bad..


Well-Known Member
You need to get more airflow, probably around 300CFM. I have a similar setup and I went through 4 fans before I finally got it under control. I spent as much on those 4 progressively larger fans than I spent on the Windtunnel centrifugal fan. Thing is a monster, makes a ton of noise which is muffled by an Odorsok so its barrable. Small space with lots of heat means big airflow. You can try a cool tube and see if that helps.


New Member
You using the wrong kind of fans if you want to go low noise. A large size axial fan will push alot of air with almost no noise except the sound of all the air moving.
So using a 10" or 12" axial fan with some fiberglass insulation around will stop fan noise, but you will hear all the mass amount of air moving.
Bathroom fans and room fans are all noisey cause they use small motors or don't have any sound insulation. and the way they move air makes alot of turbulance which is that annoying sound room fans make.

so I think the best thing for you would be to get rid of all those fans, and install one big fan at ceiling level and duct the air out of the room with at least a 6" duct (bigger duct less noise). Heat just won't be able to build up because the huge fan is moving all the heat out, instead of just pushing it around the room.


Active Member
Also, if it's possible for you, you might remove the ballast from the fixture and mount it somewhere else with less ventilation problems. The bulb will make a lota hot but it will reduce without the ballast too.


Well-Known Member
i had same problem, maybe that big fan is blowing the ehat around the grow area, and there not enuff ventilation,