gza said:
Ive currently got my hydo setup in a tent.
What can I do?
What parts shall i trim or move?
Dude, you would get so much more help and be so much more successful if you did 3 things:
1. Use details. All your questions in all your threads are short and vague. Even the titles. Be specific and explain what you are talking about (what strain, how many plants, tent area, light size/ type, etc...) It's a waste of your and our time trying to figure out what the hell each other mean.
2. Pictures. How much easier would it be for us to 'picture' what you are talking about with a picture to look at. Don't have a camera, get one. Circuit city is going out of business, find one. Or use 'paint' and draw a picture of what you are talking about.
3. Search before you ask. I know the search feature sucks, SO go to google and use the site feature. Type:
"trim marijuana leaves
This will search only rollitup.
Not trying to be a dick, but you would get so much more from this site and all the smart people here.