Help! Pistils turned orange after heat


Some people was coming to inspect my place so I had to do sonething with my plants... so I put a black bag over them with holes for vent and I put them in my car until the people left.. I also cracked the car windows.. the plants were in there for like 6 or 7 hours.. I wanted to make sure the people was gone.... I took em out and some of my pistil turned orange and my leaves was wilted alot.. there looking better now since I watered them and put back under light with a fan.. can u guys help me? Why are my pistils orange? Will my plant recover? Both are autoflowers.... white widow auto and fruit automatic.. both day 46 from seed


Here are some threads that might help you out
If you're spraying the plants (they also mention some orange pistols around 4 weeks into flowering is normal and since yours are autos maybe it's still normal) This guy said "dont go by the colours of the pistols too see if your babies are ready ,get a magnifyer x30 & check the trichomes too see if milky or milky/amber"


my "first" grow I was 14, grew a huge plant in a garbage can. 50 gallons, it was about 8ft tall. I though I saw my neighbor see me tending to it. I pulled it out, threw it on the roof, waited for 4 hours...when I got it, it was wilted, looking dead. Replanted, it, and it survived. Any plant can make a comeback