Help! Pistils turned orange after heat?


Some people was coming to inspect my place so I had to do sonething with my plants... so I put a black bag over them with holes for vent and I put them in my car until the people left.. I also cracked the car windows.. the plants were in there for like 6 or 7 hours.. I wanted to make sure the people was gone.... I took em out and some of my pistil turned orange and my leaves was wilted alot.. there looking better now since I watered them and put back under light with a fan.. can u guys help me? Why are my pistils orange? Will my plant recover? Both are autoflowers.... white widow auto and fruit automatic.. both day 44 from seed


Well-Known Member
yea they more then liky got way to hot. cars temp will get up to 120 f with in minits, next time leave the ac on for them. even if you run the car for 7 hours the plants will thank you later,


Well-Known Member
Not sure the exact reason, but I pulled a roll of string out of the garage and was using it for support ties and whatnot. Every flower that touched that string turned orange and wilted.