Help-Plant almost ready, but starting to die

Hi, this is my first grow. I tried before, but ended up cloning and restarting bc i goofed up. This one has been without incident until now. In the last coulpe weeks, I posted about if my plant was ready for harvest. I had initially asked bc the plant stopped growing and the leaves are starting to die. It seems I got about a week or two left. I use jack's classic for veg and jack's african violet for flowering. I only stopped and flushed a couple weeks ago when I was considering harvesting. I immediately went back to Jack's when I learned I still had some time. Any ideas...Here are some pics. Thanks!:?



Active Member
your plant looks good man. Fan leaves become yellow during late flowering.
If anything it just means your buds should really start to fill out now. I would even consider putting in some extra sidelighting at this point.

Adding blue (6700k] lighting during the last few weeks will increase the taste , smell, and potency. Adding more red (2700k) will increase bud size. Consider adding one more of each during these last weeks of flowering, as well as feeding the plant with molasses. You shouldn't be disapointed with the added results.

So dont worry your plants not dying, just shedding some fan leaves. Overall looks pretty healthy to me.


Active Member
Although, yellowing usually starts at the bottom of the plant, and works it's way up. I hope you're not misting, or spraying this plant during flowering, because that would be a no-no. It would explain the yellowing leaves though. Better get someone with more experience to look at this too. It could be the top of the plant is being stressed by heat of the lightbulb.