Help plant not looking good(first time grower)?

I hope someone can help,

I planted two seeds 2 days ago, and they began to sprout, but they are growing sideways. I posted 4 pics they are all different. Yes, they are in the same pot, sorry about that. Are they Ok? Is the light to close or too far? It is currently at 24 inches. Its an LED 450watt VIPARSPECTRA. Temp is 70-80 hanging at 78 humidity is 45-70%, but I have two hygrometers top one which is 1 foot from the top of the light is reading 78temp and 70 humidity, down low near the plant 78 and 56%. Please help. I know j am a beginner but I am trying to learn.



Well-Known Member
They are still unfolding from being cramped in the seed, nothing to worry about.

At this stage it's not too late to separate and replant into a pot of their own.
Just be gentle with them if you do.
Hahah they did! Except my humidity is all out of wack. I'm trying to keep my VPD in range while trying to do from my ventilation. My exhaust fan sucks up all the moisture, so I got a humidifier running, a bowl of water, and have a fan co trolled coming in on the 22nd in the mail. Hopefully I can control my variables.