help! plant problem, look at pics!


Active Member
can u tell me what the problem is with my plant, i have been feeding molasses with kelp tablets, and i bought some liquid organic sea weed, i noticed a bad problem after i used this, although im not sure if that was the problem, please take a look thanx



Well-Known Member
Well from the looks of things I`d say ya over did it.
What kind of medium are ya growing this the first time you used the sea weed ferts?
I see some other plants in the background...are they suffering the same effects?


Well-Known Member
yeah im no expert but i would say after the shock wears off those plant will be great...


Active Member
thanx alot for the reply guys.
my medium is this quite clayi soil from my back yard, it hasnt got good drainage, and i havent uses the sea weed ferts before!
i only gave one application.

and why would my plants be good after this shock, wont this just stress them espesicallly whilst they are budding!

i have been cutting off any narly looking leaves or any yellow ones for a fact lol just giving it a thhin out ! is this bad ? and how long do nutrient burn symptoms last?

thanx alot guys


Well-Known Member
Starway- roots need oxygen, if your soil is to compacted [ because it`s clay based ] it will cause a salts build up and then all kinds of things can happen...all bad. You should always make your mix with at least 25% perilite ,gives the roots room to breathe.
And yes your plant will recover from the shock, it`s a very nice looking healthy plant.
Did you use the new ferts at full strength when you fed your plants?


Active Member
hi thanks for saying its nice plant lol well it is actually 9 plants all bunched up
I've been growing them for 10months now ffs lol
it was all an experiment and for u too say they look nice when they're sick you'd be loving these babies when they were nice and healthy lol and that makes me happy u say they will be fine i really don't want things messing up right now after all this time !
and yeah it does get pretty darn compacted and solid wot should i do a re pot with some different soil maybe some compost or john inn's form home base ?does great:).

or should i just leave them to be since some are budding i dont want to stress them out !
wot are ure thoughts as how to save them? or any thoughts at all

P;s i did feed them full strength well it was the strength they recommended for tomato plants .


Well-Known Member
starway; P;s i did feed them full strength well it was the strength they recommended for tomato plants .[/quote said:
That`s probably the culprit right there:cry: I would flush em a couple of times.
Since you say they`re starting to bud I would`nt chance a repot at this time.
Try to at least loosen up the top 2 inches of soil, should help some.
Are you using a flower fertilizer? It has a higher middle number,since they`re in bud?
And yes they`re very nice plants,a beautiful and lush green.
What strain is it, if I may ask?
Hope this helps ya some.
Have a good day starway.
Forgot to tell you to use 1/2 strength when you resume


Well-Known Member
If your still stuck and still having touble with your plants speak to FDD i think he knows his sh*t with outdoor grows, he has shown us a few monsters in the time i have been here. All the best.