help! plants are drooping after room mate took care


Active Member
I had a bunch of plants blueberry and some other strains..all nice and healthy until i left town for a week and asked my room mate to take care and they're now drooping but the stems are hard but bent. (pictures attached) I'm thinking either he put the light too low for a day or 2 right after they've been transplanted or he sprayed them with the organic growth spray but concentration was too high. I never had problems like this before and I have no idea what to do next! if any of you guys ever encountered problems like this before please help me out! thanks!


trichlone fiend

New Member
...they look thirsty as hell to me. If you were to overfertilize a plant, the salts build up in the soil, and as a result, the roots get coated, which stops the plant from absorb'n the h2o. Can you believe your roommate? I've seen similar looking plants with root damage (from transplant)...the roots were torn to hell.


Well-Known Member
try giving a good watering, if thats not it let us no. Dont foliar feed your plants bro, it doesnt do anything but cause problems really.its for emergency only imo. did your buddy remember to spray off the plant w/plain ph'd water an hour or so after the feeding?


Active Member
yeah u know what guy i just took out one of the roots and they've turned all brown and skinny already. when i left they were all nice white and healthy i'ma give them a good watering with only water hope that will help any other advice please let me know thanks i appreciate it!