help plants dying..


Active Member
so my plants aren't looking too good (17 days old).. they were drooping badly and yellowing further this morning so i transplanted them from their clear plastic cups to some square 6inch pots.. i think i might have been over-watering or overnuting.. i have some 18-9-27 and i fed em at 11-12 days old with 1/8 tsp. per2 L water then gave it clean water next time, then 1/4 tsp. in 2L this thursday..
they were looking all good thursday but turned for the worse over the last 2 days.. any ideas?


Active Member
Looks like overwatering and or overnuting, does the soil already have fertilizer in it ( like miracle grow) cause if so you shouldnt have to introduce nutes for a while

and make sure there is air blowin directly at the plants


New Member
The plants can't take up nutes without oxygen at the roots. Flooding the soil will only make it worse. Simple fix: stop watering so much.


Active Member
E.S wouldn't flushing provide less oxygen as opposed to letting the soil become more dry (which allows for more oxygen flow through soil), and if you say it can't take up nuts w/o oxygen then this would decrease the nute intake, which would help the plant if it is over-nuting.

im no expert on flushing cause i haven't overnuted...yet, but it seems he has added a lot of nutes (1/4 tsp per 2 liter) stoping watering as much would fix the problem, but wouldn't it take longer to get the nutes situation stable??

im not sayin your wrong ES, just tryin to better my understanding


Well-Known Member
Umm, ES - Oxygen is a plant WASTE PRODUCT and will kill plants. Plants use CO2 for breathing, and nutes can't be absorbed without nutrient-fixing bacteria present in the soil. Oxygen has little to nothing to do with nutrient uptake.

Plain and simple, the man fertilized when he shouldn't have, and definitely overwatered. Soggy roots are inefficient as the little hairs the roots are covered with are rendered ineffective by being covered with water, and you shouldn't fertilize your plants for at least the first month-plus.

Give the plants a SOLID flush (3 gallons of water for each gallon of soil) then put them into a windy and warm location for expedient water evaporation.


Active Member
really looks like o.d. on the nutes and too much h2o,I've experianced a simular situation,i'm also relitivly new, but what i did was a rather "slow" flood i.e. leaving your babys in a sink with just a trickle of LUKE WARM WATER until thourghly saturated and no water dripping from the drain holes, then WAIT until soil and pot are DRY,then water as usual while introducing your nutes very gradually and dilute...hope this helps and your lil' women mature into beautiful flower bearing ladies
peace and light,