Help please! Can't quite figure out what's wrongs with my babies


Well-Known Member
Hey this is my first grown and I have been reading a ton trying to figure out what's wrong with my little ones. There clones from a dispensary. 97d & flo.

there is yellowing around the edges of certain leafs and yellow spots on some which are starting to develop more and more. Also the tips of the leafs are starting to turn up or down. One thing I just read on this site when trying to figure out my problem was that it could partially be due to humidity? There also is slight cupping/tacoing of certain leafs and purpling of the stems.

I am pretty sure it's either due to a mag defiency or over-watering with that bring the most likely reason. But I'm a novice grower so I have no idea I'm just going off common sense/what I have read. I will post some pictures.

current conditions:
Temperatures during day-70-78
Temperatures at night-62-68
Humidity-was 30, but recently got a humidifier so 40 now.
Light-currently vegging under a 4' t-5 8 bulb light (approx 428 watts I believe)
About a week since I got them & in 1 gallon pots I believe. I forgot to put drainage rocks in them unfortunately so I don't know how that's effecting them.
Soil-fox farm mixed with seed starter soil of some blend the guy at the hydro store told to mix with at first then transplant and go to all fox farm.
PH-6.2-6.4 depending which plant.

im just really worried about the yellow spots and cupping leafs. I live in the middle of no where & hard to get reception/Internet so any help is much appriceated!
I keep trying to post pictures but it keeps bringing me to a app & I can't find this forum on that app. If I can't figure it out ill make the drive in town tommorow to get wifi somewhere on my computer to post the pictures.
Yo! Dayam there could me a number of different things goin on.. Need some pics to diagnose properly. Your yellowing around the edges sounds like an iron deficiency. Youre PH is a bit low. Strive for about 6.8 in soil. Your leaves cupping down? COuld be overwatering, nitrogen toxicity.. a number of issues. What are u feeding them? Tap water? Nutes? Whats your regimen?

Upload from a computer instead of your having trouble...all those different symptoms screams bugs to me but that's only if one thing is causing most of your problems...need pics! You are growing in Ph balanced soil, at you using nutes yet? always use Ph balanced nute lines..and leave your water out if tap for two ish days...doing these three things will cause you to never have to worry about Ph, checking it will confuse you more than help you
Thank you, they are sort of cupping up. Not terribly though. The two 97 diesel plants seem to be having a lot of issues, but the flo is going strong.

WATER: I am feeding them water from a filtered culligan system (Not actually culligan water, but from a machine that looks similiar that just filters the water) I would like to buy a reverse osmosis machine & use that considering I live two hours away from the closest wal mart lol.

NUTES: Once I noticed this issue getting worst I fed them a very low mixture of fox farm "grow big" Fox Farm is pretty much the line of nutrients the gentleman at the hydro store told me to use starting out. Wish I had some cal-mag, but i'm a noob and dont know what the hell im doing so me adding that would probably just contribute to the problem ha.e,

REGIMEN: Have not really had one, i've only fed them once and it was a very diluted mixture (half of what they suggested and i only fed my plants an 8th of that - figured i'd start out small and see how it effected them. Did not seem to help the problem too much.

I am uploading from a computer now. Only problem is that I live 45 minutes from town and don't have internet where I live except occasionally getting it on my phone :/ But I drove in town to post the pictures, i'm really worried about my babies!

I dumped my clones in a anti-pest/mold solution as soon as i got home hoping that would prevent any potential bugs. I also have sprayed for them once (about 3-4 days ago) b/c I wondered if that was the problem. not sure though.

I do have one question that will probably come off kind of dumb since it seems like common sense. But i'm a novice & just wanted to check with you experienced folks. How are you suppose to check the pH without over watering your plants? I understand you are suppose to measure the run-off, but everytime I water them to the point they have run-off (even if they're bone dry) I feel like I over water them. In my case I would assume it is b/c I do not have any gravel in the bottom/not enough drainage.



I met a neighbor growing and they said they think its a nute burn. Anyone have any ideas on that? Just want to make sure it's not insects or root rot. I have not seen any though.
Ok thank you! It's hard for me to tell, seems like it could be a number of things. You don't think it's pest or root rot though?
If it were a pest or bugs issue, I'm sure you would have noticed em already. As you said, you did not see any insects in and around your babies so the things discussed by others here must be looked at seriously.
You sound very mature and ready to tackle a grow. Keep reading, learning and taking it one step at a time. =)

As to PHing. NEVER PH RUNOFF. Always make your nute mixture and then PH that. What is the PH of the solution going into your soil?

It looks like you have mild deficiencies and possibly heat stress. How close are plants to the light? What is the temp at canopy level.

Another thing I should mention, the plants will point their leaves upwards at night and sometimes grow enough to touch the light which causes some burning when the lights turn on.

Are the tips of your leaves browning? the very end of the leaves? That is a sign that they are receiving a little more than enough nutes.

PH your solution and get back to us. If it is too low or high that could be causing your problem.
Kushlyle, thank you for confirming that for me.

Burger, thank you for the advice. New growth looks lush & spot free like it should.
I'm on my first grow too.. someone on this site told me. Overwatering is not the best term.. you could water with 10 gallons at once and the soil will only hold a certain amount of that. I always thought that would drown them. But aslong as you water when its dry. You'll have no problems overwatering
You sound very mature and ready to tackle a grow. Keep reading, learning and taking it one step at a time.
I really appriceate the compliment! I'm sure trying! Just trying to avoid making the rookie mistake of loving them too much. (May already be to late lol)

As to PHing. NEVER PH RUNOFF. Always make your nute mixture and then PH that. What is the PH of the solution going into your soil?
Good to know, noted. Makes sense. Ph of nute mix = 7.3

It looks like you have mild deficiencies and possibly heat stress. How close are plants to the light? What is the temp at canopy lstep.
I wondered if I might have a deficiency. I am running a 4' T-5 8 bulb pioneer and currently have them 9" from the light. The temp is approx 72 degrees. When I shut the closet doors it gets all the way up to 80 sometimes. I just added another fan to help with that.

Another thing I should mention, the plants will point their leaves upwards at night and sometimes grow enough to touch the light which causes some burning when the lights turn on.
Also very good to know, thank you.

Are the tips of your leaves browning? the very end of the leaves? That is a sign that they are receiving a little more than enough nutes.
Not really, they are one a couple of the leaves but not many. It's more of spotty yellow and occasional brown spots. Certain parts of the leaves are dying off, starting to get dry & crumbly. Just noticed there is a few new growth leaves that are effected.

PH your solution and get back to us. If it is too low or high that could be causing your problem.
Ph Solution = 7.3. I was thinking of transplanting soon (probably tommorow) & had a question. I've read most places with clones to put in final container right away, but guy at hydro store sold me 1 gallon buckets (their currently in) 3 gallon buckets and 7 gallon buckets. He said to transplant to 1, then 3, then the 7 gallon pot. They are currently anywhere from 7-9" & I'm using fox farm ocean Forrest potting soil. Should I take his advice or just transplant to the 7 gallon? Didn't know if that could be harmful I them or not.

Thank you so much for all of your help,

I'm on my first grow too.. someone on this site told me. Overwatering is not the best term.. you could water with 10 gallons at once and the soil will only hold a certain amount of that. I always thought that would drown them. But aslong as you water when its dry. You'll have no problems overwatering
Thanks for the advice man, def good to know! Best of luck on your grow! :)
Ph Solution = 7.3. I was thinking of transplanting soon (probably tommorow) & had a question. I've read most places with clones to put in final container right away, but guy at hydro store sold me 1 gallon buckets (their currently in) 3 gallon buckets and 7 gallon buckets. He said to transplant to 1, then 3, then the 7 gallon pot. They are currently anywhere from 7-9" & I'm using fox farm ocean Forrest potting soil. Should I take his advice or just transplant to the 7 gallon? Didn't know if that could be harmful I them or not.

Thank you so much for all of your help,


First off, your PH is too high. You should aim for 6.3 Ph. If you are using the drops to test PH, aim for yellow with a touch of green. The drops should be greenish when they hit the water and then when shaken the solution will look yellow-green.

It does not hurt a plant when you transplant it. Just be careful not to drop the plant or tear it in anyway.

If you show a pic from the side of the plant with the pot in view I can tell you if it is time to transplant.
This is absolutely false. Pot drainage, strain, different soils water retention, RH of environment, as well many many other variables contribute to watering cannabis. Watering as mentioned using 10 gallons of water is highly unadvised. 100 gallon pots outdoors maybe, indoors don't.