Help please. Clones

New guy joe

hey so this is my first time cloning. I made a DIY aero cloner. Been in there for about a week and a half. I was just working on them. (Getting rid of mites) and forgot to turn back on the water for like 2 hours. Girls looked sad as hell. Limp as an old dudes dick. Turned back on water and they all perked back up. Then after I sprayed again for mites this time I forgot to turn back on the light. 14 hours dark :( I'm a tortuerer I know. Anyways they all are still alive somehow. And these are some pics of the roots.

Do I need to wait until I have at least 2" of root before I transplant to soil in solo cups? Or do these seem okay?

I've been watching videos and everyone had long stringy roots while mine are more like a puff of roots. I don't know if there is a difference but I'm open to all opinions.

Also here's some pics of my outdoor :)

