HELP PLEASE need some one whos experienced

hey yall im having some troubles with my first grow (imagine that)
completely new to this whole growing thing, bought a growers bible and 2 clones on craigslist a couple weeks ago so bare with me
im growing under a 4 bulb 4' T5 fixture using roots organic soil, i have been using only distilled water up untill last thursday i started feeding using medione 4-3-3, rapid start root enhancer, dynagro stress reducer, microb root dip and foilar spray,and liquid karma growth stimulant. the plants took off compared to where they were they def. started to fill out some. i watered after on sunday with just water. i was at the hospital for a couple days and when i came back tuesday i found this (pics bellow) a guy at the local shop sold me some cal-mag saying its possibly a magnese deficientcy so i flushed my babies and put them into a larger pot last night using cal-mag and a low strength mix of the food listed above hoping it will help.
the reason im concerned is that one plant looks droopy and sad but no burns so not sure whats wrong with her but the small one is burned and crispy both plants feel super dry and paper like but whats been done to one has been done to the other.
i have a fan blowing between the light and plants mostly but leaves move slightly, i have my room vented well. humidity is 50% temp 68 deg F
i keep the lights 2-3 inches away from the tips of the plants
i keep all my mixtures ph'd to 6.5
if i missed anything that could help diagnose just ask
my question is what do you think it looks like magnesium ? or ???
do you think flushing will help give me a new start to get them straightened back out?
will or can they bounce back even tho im still new to this?
thanks for all your help!scoobie.jpgpic2.jpgpic3.jpgpic5.jpgpic4.jpgpic6.jpgpic7.jpgpic8.jpgpic9.jpgscoobie.jpgpic2.jpgpic3.jpgpic5.jpgpic4.jpgpic6.jpgpic7.jpgpic8.jpgpic9.jpg


Well-Known Member
Nitrogen overdose. Water only for a week. It will be OK. Then feed only 1/4 strength nutrients. Feed, water, water. Then next feeding 50% strength. Feed, water, water. By then you will likely be 12/12 unless you go for a long veg. Put under 12/12 and nothing for a week. Then a 50% feed of GROW nutrients. Feed, water, water. Then one half-strength feed of BLOOM nutes and water only after. Other feeding only if the plant indicates the need. Once in flower your feeds should include a cal/mag additive.
okay ill try that out thanks that gives me something to follow pretty much thru the rest of my grow. i hope my 1/4 strength feeding lastnight after the flush doesnt ruin em, ill just use ph'd water for the next few to dilute the nutes even if it stunts the growth a bit i need shorter bushier plants anyway. i also used cal-mag lastnight after the flush :/ i guess ill wait it out and see, i was sceptical because my soil is supposed to need "no nutes" from what one of the grow shop guy says but the other grow shop that im going to now seems more knowledgeable.

what are your thoughts on foilar feeding? i want to try to keep things as simple as possible so iv been avoiding using my foilar feed but the leaves are so dry and britle im using t5's so im not to worried about burning or anything but i sprayed them down this morning with ph'd water i dont know if there will be any benifit or if worrying about that is a waste of my time.

also im doing 24/7 do you think thats to stressful for my girls while they are unhealthy? should i switch to 18/6 till they are doing well then go to 24/7?

i have a million newbie questions even after reading my book lol

thanks for all of your input!
yeah im kind of leaning tward not doing any foilar feeding because iv heard alot of bad things plus being a first timer its just another step. iv heard the roots get weak because they get used to the leaves doing their work and iv heard it causes deposits of salts in the pores of the leaf. so when you look at the gain (if any) compared to the troubles that it could cause i dont think im ready for that mistake yet lol
any one have any thoughts on my taller baby? looks a little down not in the "praying" possition so to speek also i was woundering if anyone thinks i have one indica (the shorter bushier one) and one sativa (the taller thinner looking one) not sure how exactly to tell but if some one a little smarter on the subject would like to school me feel free.
thanks again yall


Bigger one is fine they're not supposed to be in the praying position, except more indica dominant strains which have stronger petioles on leaves causing the leaves to grow more upwards compared to the counterpart.

The bigger one is more likely close to 50-50 on sativa-indica leaning towadrs sativa though the smaller is definitely more indica, usually there isn't a strain on a market anymore that's a pure indica or pure sativa or pure anything, even a lot of the landraces have been cross pollinated with whatever seeds people have grown outside.

Don't feed them for a while, it looks like you already have good soil which provides nutrients for the plant for a long time(3-4 weeks). When you start feeding them you don't need to use all those other supplements. Your 4-3-3 nutrient solution is perfectly fine throughout your veg stage, which you shouldn't even need to use though unless you veg for longer than 4 weeks. Only thing you'll need is a good bloom nutrient for flowering, that has some N in it(not PK14). Don't use addatives unless you need them(crappy soil), also with good soil and nutrients you don't need to foliar feed.

At the start of flowering(first 2 weeks after the switch) give your plants grow nutrients(if needed) since that's when they grow the most.

EDIT: Remember in soil only feed it when they need it. It might take you a few runs with same strains to know when your plants need feeding, in good soil(especially organic which breaks down in time) you don't need a regular feeding schedule.


Active Member
Imo yes it is a nitro burn, but as for giving them nothing for the first week of flower that's not right why would u deprive them of N right as there heading into a growth spurt bcz of 12/12 ? Keep your veg solution at 100 % while in the first week of 12/12 as your plants need a high amount of N bcz of the growth sprut being brought on from flower, going into the second week of flower notch it down to 50%veg and 50% bloom for first water of 2nd week bllom going down to 25% veg 75% bloom last feeding of 2!d week bloom. Happy trails


Well-Known Member
All due respect harley but why give more nitrogen to a nitrogen loaded plant? The reason for straight water is to give the plant time to use the large amount already present.
thanks alot guys i think im just going to cut back on the nutes for a while and let them finish out then ill try to get more in depth with the next run. like i said i got em on craigslist (sketchy by the way lol) so i dont have a clue as to the stain. the new growth looks pretty healthy i started tying them down a little today.

im interested in training them to try and get a better yield but there are so many options, whats best for a first timer?

whens a good time to start LST? i have to keep my plants pretty bushy and even because my olny option this run is to flower under my T5's then i can get a HID set up. but i dont know when to start LST or should i SCROG, is it even possible to scrog with just two plants? most screen set ups iv seen are pretty big grows. iv been told to super crop but idk when to start or if its even a good idea on my first run incase it causes problems. should i top them or fim them? im clueless on what to do or when to do it anyone whos experienced give me your opinion thanks!


Agreed learning2farm. I have one plant that the leaves look almost identical to your pics. The other plant looks perfect. This is my second attempt and had similiar problems last time. Only both plants had the same symptoms as yours. This time the one with the problem is from bagseed. The one with no problem is from some weed a friend had "not normal bagseed". I have heard mag def last time and now. Added some cal/mag last feeding to the sick one. Didn't seem to help, but didn't hurt either. Still some leaves that are affected but shes growing good.
I started LST on the sick one several days ago. It was a couple inches taller than the other and 3 days older. I would say about 5" tall. I read to tie a wire around the base from the opposite side to keep your main tie from pulling it out of the ground. I waited until the soil was pretty dry and and watered right after. I have gone back every couple of days and tied it over further. It's seems to be getting the idea. Tied the healthy one over today also about 5". Have to wait and see.


whens a good time to start LST? i have to keep my plants pretty bushy and even because my olny option this run is to flower under my T5's then i can get a HID set up. but i dont know when to start LST or should i SCROG, is it even possible to scrog with just two plants? most screen set ups iv seen are pretty big grows. iv been told to super crop but idk when to start or if its even a good idea on my first run incase it causes problems. should i top them or fim them? im clueless on what to do or when to do it anyone whos experienced give me your opinion thanks!
You can start training your plant the second it pops out of a seed. When and how you start tying down your plant/branches determines how your plant grows. It is usually recommended to 'tie down' branches before they start 'hardening up'(not sure about the exact term in English) to avoid the branch snapping. You can top/fim them if you want and it doesn't cause any more problems, unless you do it too early(ie. top before 1st leave pair or something stupid like that). Google is your best friend in this, there are a lot of videos which go into detail about different supper cropping metods.

Yes you can SCROG(screen setup) with any number of plants but you can't SOG(Sea of Green) with 2 plants. SOG = bunch of smaller plants right next to each other.

As a first time grower I wouldn't be worried about any of those techniques yet. Your main concern should be trying to learn what the current strain needs in that soil and how to adjust to its needs. Then keep using same soil and same strain and voila you'll grow the best stuff ever....
You can start training your plant the second it pops out of a seed. When and how you start tying down your plant/branches determines how your plant grows. It is usually recommended to 'tie down' branches before they start 'hardening up'(not sure about the exact term in English) to avoid the branch snapping. You can top/fim them if you want and it doesn't cause any more problems, unless you do it too early(ie. top before 1st leave pair or something stupid like that). Google is your best friend in this, there are a lot of videos which go into detail about different supper cropping metods.

Yes you can SCROG(screen setup) with any number of plants but you can't SOG(Sea of Green) with 2 plants. SOG = bunch of smaller plants right next to each other.

As a first time grower I wouldn't be worried about any of those techniques yet. Your main concern should be trying to learn what the current strain needs in that soil and how to adjust to its needs. Then keep using same soil and same strain and voila you'll grow the best stuff ever....
thanks alot im going to focus on keeping them completely healthy befor i get to crazy, im prob getting ahead of myself. once i get more comfortable with their needs ill look more into supercroping and other techniques, ill keep posting pics and updates! i would have never thought of growing as an art untill i started learning more about it, it def makes you appritiate the succesful growers out there!