Help Please Northern Lights X Buddha


Active Member
Hey, this plant is about a month old now, and it has recently started to lose color in the tips of the lower leaves and some of the higher ones too. what is that? Nutrient deficiency or something else?


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it could be a variety of different things. whats your watering schedule.? could be over/under watering? what kind of light? what kind of nutes? alot more info from you is needed to diagnos this plant?
looks like early stages of potassium difficiancy. nitrogen difficiancy may be magnifying the problem. they dont look horrible (yet) though. your best bet is to get a n-p-k fertalizer if you dont already have some. what do you know about nuting?? if you dont know much, do some quick research about feeding schedules. also worth noting: plants that young go through vigorus growth spurts causing minor deficiancies. most of the time the plants grow out of the difficiancy themselves, but if you are trying to maximize yeild and speed the proccess, nutings the way to go
ii have mg soil and add about a teaspoon to 2 litres of water of 7-9-5 fertiliser every couple of days when i water. theyre in 5 gallon pots so i water a lot but not very often, and only put water in the tray underneath, not on top of the soil. the water is phd and distilled. the light i have is a 400 watt mh light, hanging down vertically like a normal lightbulb would, with no reflector (is this bad, btw?), about 2 feet away from the plants. the tempretaure in the room is about 88 with the lights on and 73 with them off...and theres proper ventilation/circulation, in and out.

thanks for all the help, i hope the extra info helps. ive done my research and know a great deal about the prcocess, but am still a noob when it comes to actually witnessing the plants grow and shit.
you should be nuting every other watering or once a week. theres a good chance you are over nuting. what do you mean you only put the water undeerneath? as far as the light, some mh are made to hang vertically and some horrizontally. you must follow the directions on how to hang it for the gasses to mix properly. its ok not to have a hood on your light. hoods just reflect the light going up back to the plants. so they help but are not a necesity
88 degrees is to hot, this is probalbly the main reason the plant is struggling. get the temp to stay bellow 75
I disagree with jay...A Reflector/hood is very important, and having a bulb hang vertically is VERY inefficient!!! Get that bulb horizontal and get a reflector. Think about the way the bulb is shaped. A lot of light comes out of the sides, so having the sides facing down gives a lot more light. Now imagine a reflector around it, all the light that is heading up is reflected back down to your plants instead of the roof.

That said, i cant believe that plant is a month old under a 400w MH. If so, you are doing something very wrong. At least from how it looks, it appears to be only a few inches tall, like 5-6? After a month of Veg under a 400w, my plants would be very bushy and well over a foot tall. Also (after you get the bulb horizontal and get a reflector) get the lamp about 1 foot to 15 inches away from the plants.
its about 10 inches and like 25 days old, not really a month. its bin busshing out the last few days, and is bigger than the pic. anyone else agree with yota on the reflector and horizontal lamp thing?
Any "good" grow book will tell you that about the reflector and hood. Go check some out, or search around the net for more info. Just tryin to help you maximize the use of your light.
yota, they make bulbs to hang vertically and they make bulbs to hang horizontally. pound for pound vertical grow systems are prooven to be most successfull. i agree if you have a horizontally hung light a hood will increace light to the plant by up to 50%. you cant put a reflector hood on a vertically hung light, it defeats the purpose. the light is made to grow plants 360 degrees around the light. a bulb made to hang vertically will not be as efficiant if hung horizontal cause the gasses in the light dont mix properly. the same if you hang a horizontal vertically.
that being said most traditional grow rooms use horrizontal lights. most lights come with a hood and would obviously be stupid not to use one. a hid light can grow weed with out the hood but will comprimize quallity and yeild.
since leafann88 stated there was no hood on his/her light, i assumed it didnt come with one. this led me to believe it was made for hanging vertically. i guess its possible leafan88 just bought a replacement light and screwed it in a light socket but thats unlikly as well. regardless the plants problem is not due to the light. 400 watts for a lil baby? thats plenty even if its only getting half the lights output
leafann88 listen to me, yota is right about some of what he said bu deff not all.

did your light come with a ballest and hood? what kind is it? if the light was made to hang horrizontally, get a hood and hang horrizontally like i said before.

you need to keep a 400 watt mh atleast 18 inches away no less. i would recomend keeping it 2 feet away if possible. the reason is your plants are not even a month old!! there to young to get that bombarded with hot light

you said the temp was 88f. thats to high. keep the temp around 75 in the day and 65 at night.

feed your plants once a week or after every other wattering. nuting every wattering is to much.

what do you meanyou only water from underneith?

i would also recomend going to a hydro store and getting better nutes. if not an option, use a 24-8-16 pack and alternate feeding with a 15-30-15 pack. the first # represnts nitrogen (which you need a ton of now untill bloom) #s 2 and 3 represent phosphorus and potassium which are also important in the grow stage

hope you take my advice its for the better
Yes more information is needed Jay. I don't think they make too many vertical lamps anymore since horizontal is proven more effective. So i assumed his was meant for horizontal. They do make reflectors even for vertical hanging lights as well, whihc would be better than nothing, but not great anyways.
nah the light came with a shitty homemade balast and no reflector, but it was only a bill. any good links for a diy reflector?