Help Please!


Active Member
After many drunken discussions me and a friend have a finally planted 10 sensi skunk seeds (good for 1st timers supposedly!) - we are using a green house in the back as this is supposed to help bring a bigger yield.

I have been reserching as much as I can but some of the advise is sparse to say the least, it mainly for outdoor or indoor, I just have a few questions I hope people can help me with;

I'm a bit confused over the female/male plant thing - I have read it says it is best to remove the male plants at the beginning as they start to flower is this right?

Is it easy to identify between m/f?

Do you just get remove and get rid of the male or can it be kept growing until next season?

Any help would be appreciated!



Active Member
ok the males start getting little grapes with pollen insides this is bad becuz you dont want seeded but unless you do want it you can cut it down dry it out and us the pollen on only the female you want to have seeds.