help please

im planing on growing a weed plant and im hiding it from my parents. so im putting it in a speaker thats 4 1/2 ft tall nd 2 or 2 1/2 ft wide. its ventilated because i took out the subwoofers. how long until it smells, nd how noticeable will the smell be,nd its near a window to. nd also how long till it will bud?

any help is appriciated.


Well-Known Member
u growing bag seed? have u germ them yet if not that like 2-4 dayz like a month and a half of veg 18/6 lights on/light off same for flowering 12/12 light on/lights off but im a noob also just started my frist grow 3 weeks ago they told me to veg for atleast 4-5 weeks u start getting buds in the flowering stage 12/12 and the smell comes along too cant tell ya how strong the smells gets havent made it that far yet


Well-Known Member
they r 21 dayz old 2-3 more weeks of veg 18/6 and 1-1/2 month left to smoke some dank (hopefulybongsmilie) i might be off tho



Well-Known Member
The smell can be strong depending on what kinda plant you get, you are going to need a way to cover up that smell or get rid of it since you are trying to hide it. Would you be able to install and run two small PC fans? I guess that depends if you could get away with the small amount of noise that they make... If you can do that, I would wire two up, one near the bottom that would blow air onto the plants and one near the top that would exhaust the warm air- also the top fan would push air through a simple carbon filter that you could build for a couple more bucks. If you're interested post back and I can give some good links for more


Well-Known Member
I never really noticed bad smells until right after my lights went off during my flowering cycle, but than my house used to pretty much be a swamp so maybe I just couldnt tell lolz.


Well-Known Member
is the built carbon made from pencil cups pantyhose and actived carbon? if not im intrested already have that 1 just looking for other wayz:joint:


Well-Known Member
im growing in a tent these pc fan people talk about where can u get them other online radio shack? and is it hard to wire them or do they come already wire to plug in the wall?


Well-Known Member
im growing in a tent these pc fan people talk about where can u get them other online radio shack? and is it hard to wire them or do they come already wire to plug in the wall?
the easiest way is to take them out of an old pc. they are on ebay real cheap and egghead. staples or office max may sell them too (not sure)

they need to be wired, but you can use most houshold transfomers, like from a cordless phone, printer, router or modem transformer. just splice the wires wrap in electrical tape and your good to go.


Well-Known Member
is the built carbon made from pencil cups pantyhose and actived carbon? if not im intrested already have that 1 just looking for other wayz:joint:
Well, any other diy types are similar to that. My favorite is a small piece of PVC piping, maybe 8 inches or so, the diameter should be similar to diameter of your fan piping. Get one of the corresponding caps for the PVC pipe, glue it on, drill lots of holes into it then line the inside bottom of the piping with like a type of cloth or small strip of fluffy cotton, then fill with carbon and attach the fan( a bit of rigging might be involved here). Also you need a permeable stopper in the top, but you can be creative, the ones i've used have been in a vertical position so they were not needed.