Help Please!


Active Member

I have never grown before but I want to grow one plant in a small closet. I want to do this the most easiest way possible. What kind of light do I need? Do I need to change lights mid way through heard something about that for flowering, hopefully not want to keep this as simple as possible.

Thank you



Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
If you are serious about growing then you should read through the site some more and you will get all the new questions answered. You will eventually hit some hard spots and that is when you ask some questions. Post a pic too cuz peepz hur dig it.
Good Luck!
Yes what I am saying is that you should read some more before asking for help because those questions are answered in the grow f.a.q. and many other posts on this website. You probably cannot just jump in and grow one plant for under 10 bucks...there is probably a lot more involved than you think...I know there was a lot more than I thought..but so far I love it. Don't get too discouraged, just keep gaining knowledge.


Well-Known Member
If you were to buy 4 42w CFL's. Buying these lights you will not need to change bulbs for flowering. Keep reading posts and asking questions if you have any. Remember, we're here to share and help. :eyesmoke: