help please


Well-Known Member
that things a joke. looks overwatered, unles u just watered it. But i wouldnt of watered it that much even if u just did water it. Because u gotta think about the roots below. Not alot of roots = barely needing any water. I'd veg that thing longer and get it more healthy before flowering, or else ur just wasting ur time


Active Member
on a more helpful note...

i would let it mature a little while longer. that one pic doesn't really say much but i'd at least let it get another 6-12 inches taller. Depends how much you want to yield/ how quick you want to harvest. Any nutes?
certainly wouldnt call it a joke, everyone started out as a noob so relax there BH. give your plant more time and get some better pictures in the thread so we can help you better.


Active Member
yo is that a LED light i see in coming out of the door in the background, interested in looking into those...