HELP please

Mr Apples

1st plant inside and i last 3days hasnt looked good at all yellowing leaves some dieing ect. please help me out ive flushed with fresh ph water beacause it was at 7.5ph in the res and lowered nuits and added alittle extra rhizo not much wtf is going on im hope this will fix it please help with any advice thanks.



Well-Known Member
lever em be, nice looking plans, they look more than 4 weeks tho....i say stay on course captain!!!!!

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Aye did good flushing. I would of done the same. I would also only feed molasses and water at this point the buds are starting to look ripe.


Well-Known Member
not late flowering tho almost 4 weeks into flowering
And that's far too early and they wont weigh much at the end. Next time make sure the ph is 6.5(soil) ,5.8(hydro) all the way through veg, its too late to correct this now.

Mr Apples

i worded this whole post wrong sorry. I had no trouble till acouple of days ago the ph was way to high im talkin extreme blue and couldnt figure out the problem so i took out the old water and rinsed with tap water then lowered the dosage of my nuits and added a decent amount of rhizo but its fucked today in a matter of 4days going to cut it down today fucking spewing.

going to start fresh in a dwc bucket not going to use the aero again

Mr Apples

i didnt flush it at all i couldnt figure out the problem i would put in 5.8 -6.0 ph and it would end up way to high in the res im stumped