help please

Screenshot_2015-12-08-14-19-51.png Screenshot_2015-12-08-14-20-02.png Screenshot_2015-12-08-14-20-06.png
Hey guys I'm about 4 weeks into flowering and a lot of my leaves are turning yellow starting from the tip. I've been feeding them half strength calmag and half strength crystal burst by hombolt county's own with tap water. And help on what the prob is. I've noticed small brown specs too that look like calcium deficiency but I've been supplying calmag for her.


Well-Known Member
Looks like N def. Did you switch to a "bloom" nutrient? They reduce N, increase P. It looks like too much in that direction. I would go back to veg nutes.

I wouldn't use calmag. Gypsum will treat a ca def. (you're apparently adding mg when there's no def. Can't tell for sure because photos are too blurry.).

What is the TDS/PPM of your tap water. I don't think you would have gotten this far if there was a problem. But, it's unusual for people to have good tap water.


Well-Known Member
I thought N started from the bottom and worked its way up?
She looks hungry. When my plants have looked like that, N improved things. Clearer pictures might reveal Mg def. But, N improves Mg uptake.

I would get away from the boutique "lineup" sauce. Focus on the NPK ratio you're actually feeding. I have a spreadsheet in which you can enter the details of your mystery bottles, how much of each you're using. It will tell you the resulting NPK ratio (and strength). You could use generic things to achieve the same thing (or, improve upon it.).

It's common for people add those "burst" things and lockout magnesium. Using the spreadsheet you'll find out what you've done. It's not bad to vary the NPK to 1-2-2 in late flower. You're too early for it. At your stage, I try to be around 1-1.4-1.5 (ratio).

Your water's PPM would be interesting to know.
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