Help!!! Plz and thank u


Active Member
tooooo much water they look like they're drowning with a bit of nute lock. you using an air stone ph way too high


Active Member
lower your ph in hydro the highest you can have is 6.1, soil is like 6.8 but hydro is different. then it starts locking nutes out.


Ive done one DWC and loved it but, a bit of a pain with super hard tap water and no RO haha, had to carry 10 gallons home from supermarket at a time. I would agree with what everyone else has said. You want your roots wet but not the base of your plant that will get some rot issues going. I like to have water come up maybe 1-3in on bottom of your net pot! Drop that pH to 5.8-6.1 and you can even run your nutes up to 800-1200ppm so thats not an issues....I know im just saying what everyone else did but i hope it helps


Active Member
Ive done one DWC and loved it but, a bit of a pain with super hard tap water and no RO haha, had to carry 10 gallons home from supermarket at a time. I would agree with what everyone else has said. You want your roots wet but not the base of your plant that will get some rot issues going. I like to have water come up maybe 1-3in on bottom of your net pot! Drop that pH to 5.8-6.1 and you can even run your nutes up to 800-1200ppm so thats not an issues....I know im just saying what everyone else did but i hope it helps
reposting same thing is fine, helps show that everyone agrees. over 6.1 hydro is locking out K,ca,mn and B all at the same time. obviously will see some downfall effects


Well-Known Member
Badly overwatered, reduce flooding to once a day for about 3 mins until it recovers then flood twice a day for 3 mins. PH should be 5.8.