HELP, PLZ!!!! Leafs browning/wilting, 1st grow, what 2 do?


Active Member
I'm 3 weeks TODAY into Flowering and some of the leafs at the bottom of my baby girl and of "fan" leafs higher up on her are wilting and/or getting little brown spots. Is this normal? It doesn't seem normal, I have been watering everyday(not like a full cup or anything) but I think it might be too much. I'm thinking I should water every other day, is that a good idea? And could my problem be b/c of that? Also, since it's my first grow I didn't research what nutes to get before I got them, dumbass me. So i've been using Miracle-Grow Household Plant Food 8-6-7 or 8-7-6, one of the two, could my problem be not enough/too much nutes? And the soil I use is the Miracle-Grow with 3 months of nutes already in it which works pretty well I like it and I will use it again, but I don't know if that alone has been enough 'cause M.G. 8-6-7 from what i've seen/read probably didn't really help that much at all so I don't think shes been getting enough nutes so far and shes might be wilting/browning 'cause it's been more then 2 months since I planted her and the M.G. soil is probably running out of the nutes it had and it was kind of an old bag so it might not have had a 3 month dose of nutes in it anymore anyways, and I think shes been living primarily of the soil's nutes with a little help everyday from 10 drops of M.G. 8-6-7 in her water so I really want to start her on the Bloom Booster A.S.A.P.!!!! But I need to know if I can water/feed her today first. But yesterday I went and bought some nutes and of course all they had was Miracle-Grow Bloom Booster 15-30-15 but oh well, hopefully it will work good. But I haven't watered or feed my girl the Bloom Booster today b/c I don't know whats causing the wilting/browning problem so if anyone has any idea what my problem could be i'm all ears. I also bought a gauge that show how much light/moister/Ph your plant/soil has and mine reads that my soil's moister today is only a 3 or 4 out of 10 so i'm figuring that I could water/feed her today if the problems not OVER watering or OVER feeding, and the gauge says the soil's Ph is between 7 and 8 out of 10 more alkalin is this okay or is this bad? If bad, how do I raise/lower the Ph of the soil? And 1 more thing, it doesn't have to do with my problem, i'm just wondering how long it takes from the first day of Flowering until there are big buds everywhere and how long until Harvest? I grew my baby girl from seeds I get and save from bags of Mids, Regs, & Kinds from my boy, so shes probably not like a crazy strain or hybrid or least I don't think shes going to be. It would be frickin' sweet if she turned out some crazy, random, dank ass, hybrid b/c a seed got mixed up in the bag-o-bud or got mixed up in the bottle of seeds I keep all my seeds from every bag in. I do separate them now from Dankest to Shittiest(or throw-away), but I don't think I did back then so who knows, only Sublime(my plant) and the Marijuana God(Or regular old God whichever he wants to be:eyesmoke:). I hope at least 1 of you out there can and will help me out, i've gotten this far and I will NOT fail now!!!! I WILL grow my baby to perfection, or damn close to it!!!! Thank you all very much in advance, 'cause I know you guys will help me, that's why this forum is the shit!!!! Because everyone is maddddd cool and everyone wants everyone to succeed, which is just so frickin' awsome because you've got the Master Growers helping out, giving pointers, sharing pictures, writing grow journals, teaching the beginners, sharing information they've gathered over the years, showing/telling/teaching people how you build your grow rooms or stealth grow areas, and you've tried it all and know what does/doesn't work and you share that so we(the beginners)don't have to make the same mistakes or waste time trying what you've already tired and accomplished or failed. So thanks again dudes, Happy Growing!!!!bongsmilie ~ JRock.