Help Plz!!! (pics)


Well-Known Member
hi am doin my 1st grow with 4 cuttings i got, when getting them the guy said the cuttings was some white widow and some big budda cheese but was all mixed up and unsure what was what, so it was kinda pot luck what you got if you get my drift.

Am using a budbox (tent) ( 1 m2 ) with 600w light, 5" fan and carbon filter, in soil.

They was on 24hr light for 14day then 18/6 for 7days, then put on 12/12 to flower messuring at roughly 20inch, they have now bin on 12/12 for 7days.

All my Nutes and adds Products are By DR Hornby which are Organic Iguana Juice grow ( i used in veg) , Organic Iguana Juice bloom (ive bin using since 12/12) now am left with Hammerhead PK 9/18 and Big Bud 0-1-4,

When should i use these last 2? as ive bin told 2 completely different things so far, i got told to use pk 9/18 now 1week into flower through to 1week before harest and to use my big bud 3week into flower untill 1week before harest

is this correct?

ive put some pics up of my plants do they look ok? help welcome
those last 4pics are all of the same plant i just took a random 1 out and photoed it, i cut the top of when they was about 12inch high, i am new to this and just go of tips, hopefully good ones lol