Help plz Sorry I can't tell the sex so I pulled these!


Active Member
They have the little bulbs everywhere but it looks like small pieces of bud to me forming in some areas especially at the top of the plants. They flowered way before the other plants but they're all different strains. I know makes flower faster.

I hope I was correct that these were males. It would suck to have killed females I only have 7 total ledt I didn't want to be wrong and get shit weed so I just pulled them before they could pollinate if they were indeed males.

some areas had the bulbs just hanging individually in strands so it seemed those were definitely males.

These are the pictures from 2 plants I pulled.
Half the pictures are from the first and the second half from the other in order.

Was i correct or wrong?

thank you for your help



Active Member
Never had to deal with males since I've always used feminized seeds, but I'd imagine you wanna be kinda gentle removing them, so you don't bust the sacks open and pollinate any close females.
Thankfully i don't have to worry at this point because the females just started getting pistols and I guess they are not receptive to the being pollinated until a little later in their development if that's correct.

now I just have to hope the neighborsknow whatthey're doing!

420 Garden

Well-Known Member
Hey if you still got like 7 females out of 9? That is not bad at all for reg's. I would still keep an eye on em because with reg's you could be looking at more of a 1 to 1 ratio.


Well-Known Member
lol those are balls all over the place. Be a miricle if you don't get seeded plants. Not the end of the world. your bud will have seeds. Just looking at the holly batman those are an army of balls. You need to learn to pull those way sooner. When in flower by week 2 ish you can tell easily. Get a Dentist head microscope and thank me later on ebay. you see cool stuff. Iam guessing those balls are 4 weeks old in flower pure guess. learning experience.


Well-Known Member
Definitely males, i didnt see any open sacs in the photos you posted, so I do not think your females will be seeded, but next time definitely chop them sooner.

Pollen sacs have to open and release pollen to make seeds... If they arent open, the sacs havent released pollen, therefore no seeds can be made.


Active Member
Your thumbnails are too small to read the sex. Try clicking "Full Image" after you upload the picture but before you post, then it inserts a real pic.


Well-Known Member
Your thumbnails are too small to read the sex. Try clicking "Full Image" after you upload the picture but before you post, then it inserts a real pic.
update your phone or computer. Its easy to see balls everywhere. hundreds


Well-Known Member
Here is the first one I've not killed straight away now I'm kinda glad that I didn't 20230825_162755.jpgand I'm going to try and get some of that pollen the point is for your next run you will know and the best of luck to you with all of your endeavor be looking forward to seeing what you do next :hump: :peace: :joint:


Well-Known Member
Tons of those sacs have opened already. You could just shake some off on a plate let it dry and then store it in the freezer in an air tight container will last for 10 plus years and you would have enough for 13 million seeds. Hurry up before you pollinate the whole town haha.