Help!!! Police


Well-Known Member
This chopper is flying over my house for 3 hrs now and I'm paranoid as hell what do i do
I have 12 gauge but if they see it with me they will sure be coming to me
first off do you have some type of master warehouse grow?

something tht draws major attention for you to think they are after you?

Choppers hover by my house all the time but in my area sirens and choppers are normal so i wouldnt worry about it unless you have been talking to people about your grow and its a big 1


Active Member
what do you need help with?

I'll do what I can....

with only a 12 gauge you will need to wait until the chopper gets pretty close, 10 meters or so if you are planning to bring it down, aim at the base of the propellers, it's really the only place you will be able to cause enough damage to force it to the ground.
I only have 5 plants thats it and nobody nos about it
honestly dude dont stress yourself out.

If you are that scared just chop the plants but i wouldnt worry. If no one knows about it and im not using multiple 1k lights or stealing electricity any red flag to cause them to look at me then i wouldnt be worried.


Well-Known Member
I live across the street(5 min walk) from a police station and i have choppers in the air in my area to but dont worry(10 plants)...just sit back n smoke a bowl...only panick if you hear banging on.the door and a voice yells this is.the police open up lol

Jus Naturale

Active Member
what do you need help with?

I'll do what I can....

with only a 12 gauge you will need to wait until the chopper gets pretty close, 10 meters or so if you are planning to bring it down, aim at the base of the propellers, it's really the only place you will be able to cause enough damage to force it to the ground.
Just pop up your cell phone and "call" 482-555-0100. That'll give you health and weapons, then switch to the rocket launcher. Or just "call" 267-555-0100 to make your stars go away.


Active Member
Do you live in the city or middle of no where? because that makes a HUGE difference if you lived out in BFE I'd be extremely worried but if you are in a heavily populated area I wouldn't even sweat it dude.


Well-Known Member
Just wondering in what part of what country they send out a chopper for 5 plants instead of just knocking on your door and arresting you.I would either assume you have never been around any real crime to freak out in this fashion or you are a meth head,either way the police don't really take their sweet ass time for a drug bust so I am assuming your either a badass mofo and they are scared to kick the door in after 3 hours or it's NOTHING..literally laughed outloud thank you OP

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Just wondering in what part of what country they send out a chopper for 5 plants instead of just knocking on your door and arresting you.I would either assume you have never been around any real crime to freak out in this fashion or you are a meth head,either way the police don't really take their sweet ass time for a drug bust so I am assuming your either a badass mofo and they are scared to kick the door in after 3 hours or it's NOTHING..literally laughed outloud thank you OP
they dont, but an outlier is just that a freak incident


New Member
Yeah like everyone else said I wouldn't worry. I kinda live on the outside of a small town and cops fly over my house every few weeks or so. You should see them during harvest. They will go back and forth over my house all day long and they are so low to the ground that you could probably throw a apple and actually hit the helicopter. Like sohighifly said if they were going to do something they wouldn't just hover over your house for three hours


Well-Known Member
normally, i just the paranoid threads lie, but this is a little extreme
you really plan on going outside and showing a 12 gauge?
good way to get attention, get yourself really busted, or shot dead