help. powdery mildew, need to make a decision ASAP!


Active Member
I'm a little over a week from harvest and have got powdery mildew on one of my plants. My question is should I chop it now or try n ride it out.. it has shown up on a few tricome covered leaves by the bud. Just need to make a decision ASAP!


Well-Known Member
Remove the obviously infected material and let it ride if you're a week from finish... Set her away from the others.
Maybe spot treat with a leaf wash of of some kind, but I'd avoid getting it wet at all. Can you reduce your humidity?


Active Member
Awesome Yeah thats what Yeah doing been Yeah I have a dehuey now it wasjust filling up while I was at work and would turn off so it would get pretty humid for a couple hrs.heres a pic if u can see the spots on the leaves.. I've been cutting them out..



Well-Known Member
I have had good luck with peroxide, normal 3% mixed with water. Spray them down aggressively, let sit for a couple mins then shake of the excess.

On leaves, any spots that had pm will turn yellow as the peroxide kills the pm. Google for mix rates, I believe it is one cup of 3% for a gallon. Can also wash the buds after harvest in the same solution to try to get any pm you missed.

Good luck!
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INF Flux

Well-Known Member
i've had good results with a 50/50 alcohol water mix. I try to target only infected areas but have definitely drenched a plant before with no noticeable negative effect. Most effective was some foreshots from a still run, (methanol?) good luck acquiring that, fluke thing. but i've had get decent results with iso from the grocery store. No need for everclear or anything pricey.


Well-Known Member
1 part 3% peroxide, 3 parts distilled water. Soak your plant down real good, especially the buds near the infected leaves. Repeat every few days. Problem solved. You're lucky you only have a week to go.