HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Root Aphids...... have I tried everything?

Azetrol drenches and sprays....take down spray, diatamatious earth, systemic tree and shrub WITH ingrediant imidacloprid (was supposed to work).....NOTHING HAS WORKED to put a dent in this infestation!!

I don't know what to do besides shit can everything and maybe start over again?
I don't want to be a quittter!!!

Thanks In Advance for your help

Ganga Goddess


Well-Known Member
Try biological enemies. There are good bugs u can add to the soil that eats larvae and bugs at a fast rate. Im not home and I cant remember what there called. I do now that they come in some potting soils.

Good luck! If all.else fails go buy a cansbis bible. There's lots of good pest ino there.


Well-Known Member
Also, why are your application methods when applying? Like spray wait 3-4 days then respray, then wait 4-7 days then spray again?

new smokey

Active Member
Are you sure its root aphids? I myself have never heard or read of root aphids. Is your infest in your soil or stems and leaves?
here in Cali these things are rampant. everyone should educate themselves on the root aphid - they are the most devastating and hard to get rid of pest of cannabis. the root aphid wiped out most of france's grape (and therefore wine) production in the late 1800s. in 20 years, european winemakers saw their production drop by 66%. it's hard to imagine the economic devastation. or maybe not. eventually, after many tries, a cure was found: grafting the softer-rooted european grapes onto the harder rootstock of american grapes. this is still the only cure, save some pretty nasty chemicals you can read about on these boards, and is still why almost all wine grapevines are grafted. grape phylloxera is still rampant worldwide. the only places spared are island countries like cyprus and australia, and even they now have cases.

now comes a new beast, the cannabis root aphid. likely it jumped from another commercial crop, or the wild, or both, because i am sure there is more than one species that attacks cannabis. and you will learn, even one species can have around 16 or 18 different phenotypes. whatever the root aphid species (or name) they all share a common biology and life-traits, and are truly one of the most devilish and destructive pests ever. they can be eradicated, one needs only determination, and a cold heart: i recommend sacrificing all plants.

live from california, how to cure root aphids:
1. cut and dispose of all plants.
2. bomb rooms with fogger.
3. bleach floors.
4. repeat #2 and #3 3x over 2 weeks.
5. in the meantime clean all equipment.
6. hang and place yellow stick cards everywhere. monitor constantly.
7. discover aphids you missed.
8. ditto #7.
9. ditto #8.
10. rebuild room from scratch. put in biosecurity measures: all incoming air first screened, then HEPA filtered. all cracks and holes caulked. chemical and physical barriers at all possible entry points, starting with doors, ending with plants.
11. introduce clean new plants from seed or clones from TRUSTED source.

jus' sayin' -- it worked for me. btw this was a commercial/WH grow, and a VERY expensive loss.

now some other jack is gonna come and say bayer or merit. really? you gonna put that on a 60 day crop? for real? good growers don't need it. neither do your good customers. and i'll stand by that.


Well-Known Member
read up on aspirin water, some people use it to fight bugs, has some sort of acid in it like plants produce when under attack
Bayer Tree and Shrub and Spectracide ... I know it sounds horrible but these guys are very very hard to kill

15ml per gal root dretch of Bayer will destroy them. If you are worried the girls cant take it do 2 drenches of 10ml/gal just watch the aphids inbetween.

Organic solutions to this are really iffy, maybe if you caught it early. Either you go chemical or you cut down and start over. Dont recommend this during flower.
This works ill promise you that ;)
Oh and so you know my experience with this, I collect strains and more then once I have received plants or clones with root aphids. At first I had no idea what they were so I let them get out of control, it got to the point where I had to treat all of my mothers because they spread fast and are born ready to lay eggs.

I have tried: Azamax, Azatrol, Neem oil, Garlic oil, Nematodes, Clove oil, Avid and Bayer at 5/ml, 10ml and 15/ml... I have not tried spectracide but its the only other thing ive heard works that also kills a lot of other things including mold spores.