Help roots broke off during transplant?


New Member
while i was transplanting some roots broke off like 3 big ones and like 10 little ones will it still live or what can i do to help it i dont want it to die?


Active Member
i've heard "Super thrive" (you can find this shit everywhere) will actually fix that if you act quickly!


Well-Known Member
i fucked up the same way, and my plant drooped for a couple days after transplant, but when the roots caught back up it was perfect again.


Well-Known Member
Have any b1 pills if so crush up some put it in water, Although superthrive is a better option and its cheap :)
Dude roots are pretty tough, you should be fine, actually its going to make it more bushy, its kinda like a bonzai tree; you prune the roots in order to slow vertical growth and aid horizontal. I had a friend who even experimented with this and it didnt work that well at restricting growth, they are some tough bastards.


Active Member
yea i put a little super thrive in there, and some grow big on the foliage, little in the soil too, but a very diluted mix, for every watering. I transplanted in the afternoon, and its been 9 hrs and no drooping yet. So I thnk it will live on.


Well-Known Member
If there is still some nice roots there... the plant will probably stop growing few days trying to recover then will be in top shape a week after.