Help Seeds growing on top of my bud.


Hi all, i used some hermie seeds and all was going well but now ive only got 3 weeks left and ive spotted some seeds growing on top of my bud. Is there anything i can do to stop seed production or is it a total loss. Im wondering if to let it finish then see whats left after the seeds but almost half of my buds have a seed or more and with 3 weeks left im not sure what to do.
Any help appreciated.


Well-Known Member
You may have some stray balls opening in or around your bud pollinating the nugs. I had a hermi last time and didn't notice until 3 or 4 weeks into flower. When I harvested at about week 6 and there were HUNDREDS of premi seeds in Tue bud. Barely anything to smoke! Look for open male 'bananas'


Well-Known Member
Might as well trash it its only gonna get worse and before next grow clean everything to make sure no pollen is still around if not u will be In the same boat again